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Everything posted by kallone
- Experiência: 75x - Skill Points: 75x - Adena: 100x - Drop: 1x ____________________ - Safe: +4 - Max Weapon: +10 - Max Armor: +10 - Max Jewel: +10 ____________________ - Pathnode: On - Geodata: On ____________________ - Scroll Enchant: 58% - Blessed Scroll: 68% ____________________ WWW.L2DESTRUCTION.COM
Source Changing aggro NPC Title colors and add levels if needed
kallone replied to Dreigons's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
the link is not working, please put it online again, I need it!!! s2 -
Modificacions: Web: www.l2bounce.com rates: 100, 100 150x adena! New Boss, New Mobs! New Hairs!
Share Acis Interlude downgrade to c4
kallone replied to francina's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
Source ? -
Thanks, I managed to adapt to C4 L2jLisvus (Good Tradutor)
WebSite: http://l2bounce.com Like Page: https://www.facebook.com/La2bounce Server Rates XP: x100 SP: x100 Adena: x150 Drop: x1 Party Level: x3 Enchantment Rates Safe Enchant: 4 Max Enchant Weapons : 10 Max Enchant Armor - Jewells : 5 Normal Scroll: 4-10 -> 64% Blessed Scroll: 4-10 -> 60% Additional Information Buff Slots 22 Main Class Automatic rewards Skills Npc Class Free - Giran Sub Class Free Free Teleport Custom Area Farm Skills C4 + C5 Customs Information Armors - Titaniun Weapons - Epics Bounce, Destruction Bounce Custom Accessories Style Events Team vs Team - 1hours Automatic Event x1 Aleatorio Automatic Event Boss Random Automatic Kill Mobs Event Olympiads Unique GM events Olympiad Hero period: 1 month Olympiad Starts 20:00 UTC-03:00 Brasilia Olympiad Ends 00:00 UTC-03:00 Brasilia Raid Bosses Boss level 75 + chance drop Epics and Destrucion Bounce Special Boss Barakiel Bounce 24h 100% chance drop Item Nobles(Double Click = Nobles) Grand Bosses Restail Voiced Commands .l2bounceboss .menu .top
Code Fake Player Online (Real Time)
kallone replied to madarismenos's topic in Server Shares & Files [L2J]
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `fakeplayer`; CREATE TABLE `fakeplayer` ( `obj_Id` decimal(11,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`obj_Id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -
and if you want to put to appear on top of all Mobs and NPCs and so just add this code down! if (Config.L2MOB_NPC && _activeChar instanceof L2MonsterInstance) { _title = Config.L2MOB_TITLE; } else if (cha.getTemplate().serverSideTitle) { _title = cha.getTemplate().title; } else { _title = cha.getTitle(); } + + if (Config.L2MOB_NPC && _activeChar instanceof L2NpcInstance) + { + _title = Config.L2MOB_TITLE; + } + else if (cha.getTemplate().serverSideTitle) + { + _title = cha.getTemplate().title; + } + else + { + _title = cha.getTitle(); + }
gameserver/Config.java public static boolean SEND_SKILLS_CHANCE_TO_PLAYERS; + public static boolean L2MOB_NPC; + public static String L2MOB_TITLE; CUSTOM_SPAWNLIST_TABLE = Boolean.valueOf(L2JfrozenSettings.getProperty("CustomSpawnlistTable", "True")); + /** MOB TITLE **/ + L2MOB_NPC = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JfrozenSettings.getProperty("EnableMobTitle", "True")); + L2MOB_TITLE = L2JfrozenSettings.getProperty("MobTitle", "L2J-frozen"); + head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/network/serverpackets/NpcInfo.java if (Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && cha.isChampion()) { _title = Config.L2JMOD_CHAMP_TITLE; } else if (cha.getTemplate().serverSideTitle) { _title = cha.getTemplate().title; } else { _title = cha.getTitle(); } + + if (Config.L2MOB_NPC && _activeChar instanceof L2MonsterInstance) + { + _title = Config.L2MOB_TITLE; + } + else if (cha.getTemplate().serverSideTitle) + { + _title = cha.getTemplate().title; + } + else + { + _title = cha.getTitle(); + } + gameserver/config/fuctions/l2jfrozen.properties + +#======================================== +# NPC TITLE BY KALLONE +#======================================== + +# Mob Custom Title +EnableMobTitle = True +MobTitle = L2J-frozen Good as I had nothing to do I decided to make this code to l2j-frozen! use sparingly sorry my english is not so good They add a title on top of the mobs!
Tomorrow will be the grand opening Amanha será a grande abertura Mañana será la gran inauguración
Lineage II Doom Scion of Destiny (Chronicle : 4 [C4]) Open Server : 30/12/2015 Dedicated 24/7 __________________ Rates xp : x50 Adena : x70 __________________ Custom Server - Titanium 7 % + - Epic weapons 7 % + - Tatto 5 * 6 - Mask +200 * + 300 __________________ Enchanting Inforamtions: - Safe: +3 - Max Weapon: unlimited - Max Armor: unlimited - Max Jewells unlimited __________________ - Scroll Enchant: 50% - Blessed Scroll: 60% __________________ Other Informations: Noblesse System : Retail Like Q, with a little help...(Helfire Oil and Lunargents in Shop.) Olympiad System: Retail Like (Until c4) Starting Hour 18:00 - Ending Hour 00:00 (24:00) Heroes Period : 30 days , (1 month) Retail Clan System Retail Alliance System Retail Siege Wars (working perfectly) Retail Clan Hall System EVENTS : Admin's Events, or automatic events made by server So What are you waiting for?. Take your Clan/friends/Ally and Come to US! SERVER'S Site : www.l2doom.com Open Server : 30/12/2015
www.l2relload.com [+] Chronicle: [4] Scion of Destiny [+] Downlod Client : http://www.fileplanet.com/160491/download/Lineage-II-Chronicle-4:-Scions-of-Destiny---Game-Client [+] [updat : 28/03/2015 ] Download Patch V2 : http://www.mediafire.com/download/j4r97zj494ffdl2/L2Relload_Patch+V2.rar [+] Rates : SP X250 XP X250 AD : X250 [+] Party Level Up (1-78) [+] Quest 100% Nobles [+] Quest 100% Sub-Class [+] Quest Pets 100% [+] Npc Manage Class (1, 2, 3, Free Npc) [+] Clan Hall 100% [+] Castle 100% [+] Geo+Path 100% [+] Custom [Epic Weapons], [Armor TT], [Armor DK], [TATTO] [+] All itens craft in game [Adena + Ancient Adena] [+] Hero + Skill + Weapons 100% [+] All Boss 70-79 Drop Weapons S [sA] [+] All Boss 70-79 Drop Blessed Weapons,Armor [+] All Grand Boss 100% [+] Barakiel Respawn 1h [+] Go Join ! www.l2relload.com
http://www.mediafire.com/view/s7iiqk9qvvj56to/error%20x64.jpg I'm having these errors how can I fix? net.sf.l2j.loginserver; error: import java.util.Base64; net.sf.l2j.status; error: import java.util.Base64; net.sf.l2j.tools.accountmanager; import java.util.Base64;
Bounce World is a casual Lineage 2 C4 private server based around retail & custom features, filled with events & adventure. Our goal is to provide a long term high quality C4 private server. Website BR: http://la2.bounceme.net/ Website EN: http://la2.bounceme.net/indexen.php Forum: http://la2.bounceme.net/forum Server Description: Gameplay Rates: Experience: x100 Skill Points: x100 Party Experience: x1.2 Party Skill Points: x1.1 Drop: x1 Raid Drop: x1 Adena: x600 Item Enchant Rates: Max Enchant: +20 Safe Enchant: +4 Normal Scroll Chance: 50% Blessed Scroll Chance: 100% Classes & Skills: Auto-Learn Skills Free 1st,2nd,3d Class Change Free Subclass Buff System: Buff Duation 2hours 25 Buff Slots Retail Like Features: Full C1/C2/C3/C4 Skills Full C1/C2/C3/C4 Monsters & Raids C4 Retail Like Raidboss Respawn C4 Retail Like Grandboss Drops & Respawn C4 Retail Like Olympiad Games C4 Retail Like Seven Signs Geodata & Pathfinding Custom Features: Grand Bosses Lv 78 Siege Guards Lv 78 Weekly Castle Sieges 15 second Spawn Protection Custom GMShop/Gatekeeper/Buffer Class change NPC Misc: Classic PVP Concept No Custom Items Dedicated Server
[bR] http://la2.bounceme.net/ [EN] http://la2.bounceme.net/indexen.php [FORUM] http://la2.bounceme.net/forum Information La2 B O U N C E Chronicle: c4 ( Scion of Destiny ) Xp: 100 Sp: 100 Ad : 600 Party level: 1-78 SHOP FULL Npc Buffer Gk Global No-Custon Weapon No-Custon Armor Craft Itens + PvP Server Go Join !