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Everything posted by r3x8i4JxEe

  1. yup i know this bug ^.^ its very nice ;D
  2. heh .. on that server is very easy 2 have those items ^.^
  3. u mean (valakas + antharas + zaken + baium + qa) full RB
  4. lol hamachi :))
  5. thats now l2extreme.. its a fake 1 .. even BG is not the real one -.-
  6. mb u need to change Hosts from C:/windows/sistem32/drivers/etc/hosts... dunno
  7. when i try 2 log l2walker on l2exion server it gives me ERROR 17:02:01 ->Verify Fail. 17:02:01 »¶Ó­Ê¹ÓÃÐÐÕß¡£www.ToWalker.com 17:02:01 ´ËÕ˺ÅÉÐδ³åÖµ. ???
  8. when i try 2 log walker.. it gives me Verify Fail ERROR :S why?
  9. l2j suXxX
  10. hahahahah PR with UD =)) + dances :)) C00L
  11. i allrdy have them (valakas + antharas + zaken + baium + Qa) in exion ^.^
  12. 221 KB/s JaJaJa Thanks a Lot :P
  13. im playin` there 2 best server :p
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