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Everything posted by otinane...

  1. haha,vlepo thimase kala tin poutsa
  2. nai ton vromiari,lagara gia kana 2-3mins
  3. aha..i poutsa p exeis faei s fenete gnosti...kala ta pas
  4. deston! ton troei o kolos..meta mi lete arxizo egw na vrizo.. dn fteo egw p i mana s edose kolo se kana arapi stin athina gia na se kani toso mlka!
  5. etc m lege k o jahara/romeo ala sto telos auti efagan tin p out sa :)
  6. moderator autos o mlkas re?ti egine kolo sas etakse ?oxaoxao o tsiros t romeo..thimame p me evrize k meta otan tou tin elega fonaze ton tsiro na pi tpt
  7. http://www.sketchtoy.com/29943295
  8. slllloooourp = http://www.sketchtoy.com/29943005
  9. http://www.sketchtoy.com/29942522
  10. http://www.sketchtoy.com/29941201
  11. http://www.sketchtoy.com/29939919
  12. http://www.sketchtoy.com/29937519
  13. haha boy im not sure who is the dog here! 3k+real on! http://www.sketchtoy.com/29937156
  14. http://sketchtoy.com/29932469
  15. http://sketchtoy.com/29929338
  16. readed at forum from some kid "none cares if 10ppls cant log from 3k" i loled hard.. 3k.. KILL ME PLS HAHAH
  17. dat guy eagle_eye..half of his posts only faces :D
  18. not rly, i dont flame all servers, i liked silver but sad it failed from ddos, at least they had real online 1500 real online its kinda good, and its not fake since everywhere had many ppls, it rly had 1.5 bfp also was going good even with fake online but it failed cuz of ddos and some corrupts(not sure bout that) im just flaming world and all mouse servers(mouse= admin of eoa/dragoneye/stress/cadmus/berseker/l2 2012 and some more that i dont remember)
  19. HAHA, i hear ppls trying to sell their items fast before serv close even desepr clan that always played on your fail servers quiting, HOW FAIL SERVER TELL ME SOME CLANS IN YOUR SERVER?im sure strong clans that can easily drop ROA/OOC/Tribunal/LL from rpg
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