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Everything posted by otinane...

  1. so tell us how MANY ONLINE ATM? haha, answer US PLS!
  2. what about boosting the fake online a bit more? im sure its good idea this server is amazing, its same or even better than rpg-club , wtf we talking about..
  3. the only dog its you here, cuz i tried a server means not i adv it or smthing! atm there is not some good server.. stalone failed cuz no ppls..world sux as hell with 500 players real LF Serious server
  4. what adv you talking about? cmon..Im just dont like fail servers like your that have fake online as hell and 2k its only from offline shops x2! i pay you 10euro just tell to all the real online or not, even if you say that retards that playing there wont even see or wont even believe LOLED guys, listen me up, this server have 3500 online, not joking..big zergs..2pt i saw at siege from a clan that have 5wards! OMG 2PT GOING Join for sureee
  5. omg, world is best server ever! 3500 ONLINE(You know 3500 online means big clans joined in server) every siege you see BIG ZERGS, BIG PVPS, 50vs 50 AS MINIMUN oh wait, max 2pt at siege i saw from zions, zions top clan on world ENOUGHT HAHAHA, dont make me laugh
  6. 335 Most Online in 15 minutes at forum(grand opening) nice server cant reach even 500 durring time that server is offline and all logs at forums to check whats going ON ye 3k server cant and cant reach 500 at forum :) atleast make it shows online per day , then mby you can reach 600+++ so ppls dont see that there no 3k, oh wait, only blind ppls play :D
  7. haha the "3k+ real online guy" KILL ME PLS ITS so so sad that nowdays exist so SO SO many tards and have no idea bout fake online.. gz 3k real online boy, LOLED! even offline world have 2k :D OFC NOT FAKE, tards dont know what is fake ..2k when server offline for hours its normal, 2K REAL TARDS dont know that 1k offline shops = 2k at counter, so thats why it have 2k when serv is offline tell me mrkamera, whats your online number atm? :not bad:
  8. you can understand from online counter man, world is example, server with 3k+ real online cant find spot..full everywhere, every spot/towns you see ppls cant mid rate server with 3k online have empty SOA/Loa bringe like world, mostly empty..mostly soa.. look world as i said, and compare it with lineageiipro that have 2.5-3k real players, and you will see big difference on online players
  9. ye ofc, its like we say world have 3k+...ppls that never played on serv with more than 1k real players have no idea, 500players= 5k for them
  10. 450 online no fake, world 700 with tons of fake, sup? how you can flame? 450 and growing , very good, soon will have many ppls
  11. what promoting kid, im just flaming any server with fake online..like world with 3.5k .online im happy that eoa failed, now this one too!
  12. none cares, finaly out of topic this tard, same like kam3ran PRO SERVAR
  13. didnt read half of wall of text but im sure you are a noob, rly noob server stable?you kidding us nab? go forum to see how ppls QQ also if you like to play on server that shows 3.5k online at top time and real like 600 players..ok go play there and be one more retard, oh wait..you are ALRDY RETARD, man, santa claus no exist, and you are RETARD its so sad the fact most ppls are newbies and believes to that fake online
  14. pro server! every day all day lag , but server offline or online always 3k :not bad: NEVAR FAKE ONLINE WORLD
  15. ok mr kam3ran with 3.5k real online! 3.5k real online and dont have some serious clan or pvp, max is 2pt vs 2 pt at siege.. hahaha , that pvp you doing on 3.5k real online? REAL 3.5K online, OMG KILL ME SOMEONE, I CANT handle kam3ran and those ppls who believes its real!!cant handle their stupidity !! HA-HA
  16. dear chickendinner, log on server and go at farm/pvp spots and tell me if rly 3500, then talk..only retards believes 3.5k real
  17. and for sure you have 3.5k!! haha KILL ME PLSS
  18. stop talking man, we are not retards like those who play there and believes on santa claus and on your 3.5k "real online" 3.5k real right? KILL ME PLS fail!! ! ! !
  19. L2 but not Interlude cuz sux, and graphics too.. only greeks playing now interlude servers ..play chronicles after Gracia final like freya or h5..about god..no idea never tried but ppls says it sux :) just to know you will get mad many times on l2, ppls flaming too much :D , or 20v1blablabla you know :D pussies
  20. interlude = F1class, im curious how ppls still can play that sh1t chronicle, F1 doesnt makes you skilled player just to know you are not boring see all interlude servers full of archers?its sh1t see always one class i prefer play god that i dont like that much than this sh1t F1 Chronicle that only kids play F1 Powa
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