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About Chuong

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Server is up and run correctly
  2. Beta NPC is up
  3. Beta is not for the server it for everyone to test all the features and for you to know about the server + you will get rewards for doing it too.
  4. sound great i can't wait
  5. please kook me up, and i send you a message skype name : chuongwtf
  6. Anyone know the right Radios and Height of these Raid Bosses ?
  7. Can some one help me with the Dragon weapons glow for High Five i cant find them anywhere.
  8. anyone got the glow effect files ?
  9. can someone upload the effect glow files please
  10. i downloaded the client side but don't have the server DP files (for High Five) i mean the .xml files itemname-e.dat.txt weapongrp.txt
  11. i have the client files but it didn't come with server files can some one upload it please. thank you
  12. please share the correct armorgrp and weapon please it in correct
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