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Everything posted by bonesaw

  1. @radzio: That's a problem on skillnamegrp-e.dat probably, not npcname-e.dat... weird this patch messes with this other file.. try using the original one instead. @Mendekua: Did you even search it anyway? Try second page of Exploits section.Wrong section to request for stuff, btw.
  2. Try it. Test it. Study it. Learn it. Use it! There is no guide for it. It's a self-effort tool. Wrong section btw... *locked to avoid spam*
  3. Maybe you can make the quest once and use the 'rec' function of L2W to get npc name/id and the dialog to click.. Not sure if someone already did something like that or if it even works, but it's an idea ^^
  4. Outdated and only spammers around. You should NOT spam to get posts, you should try to contribute, by either helping others or posting exploits/hacks/tricks/whatever you know that haven't been posted yet. Locked.
  5. a) Wrong section; b) Yes this program exists, it's just a "hack simulator" with shiny buttons and all, but it's just a scam to steal your account etc; c) Go search about L2PHX and HLAPEX as they are both packet editors, it's not simple to learn it, if you want, you have to work hard for it. Sorry! Locked.
  6. Only spammers whining about postcount and it's outdated. Locked.
  7. If everyone asked everytime then we would have 1000 posts about the same thing... oh wait, we do. I never asked anyone about where to find WPF, I just found it myself. I already answered this in other topic and having to answer the same thing twice is just not fun... Search is your friend and so is google. As it has been solved, locked.
  8. Did you use search button yet? Use it... or just google it..
  9. Probably your server is protected... And btw, wrong section, right one would be "[Request] Exploits Help". Could any mod please move it? Thanks!
  10. Makes no sense at all. Locking to avoid spam (I know it's coming)
  11. Most links are broken and the thread is old.. a new one should be made. Thinking of making a new one or make a 4shared folder since our old one disappeared (no downloads for 30 days)... Locking to avoid spam like 'wtf?'.
  12. Then you need a GG killer/bypasser... then you may try those. GG will block anything you try... try to get rid of it, instead of trying other sniffers. It'll probably detect them all and you probably won't be able to inject any DLL into the game if GG is active. Your problem is not the sniffer you're using, it's GG.
  13. Wrong section and bad explanation. Read the rules please. *locked*
  14. Hence that when you open L2phx or hlapex, it must be opened before you login into your account. Why? Because it'll capture the keys for the cryptography. You can check those packets when you login using either of them. After that it'll use that key to decrypt the traffic. If you're thinking about using any other sniffer (such as ethereal, wpe pro, network chemistry packetyzer etc)... it may be a little hard to do it. Maybe in WPE PRO you can make a filter to do that auto, not sure. Of course you can auto it by injecting a DLL, which is what L2phx and hlapex does. Don't know if you can get a generic dll injector (just google for one, there's 2137821390 out there) and inject the DLL they made for this and then use any generic sniffer... Why not just use L2phx? Easier... :P
  15. English only or I'll lock this up. And yes, I can understand what you say.
  16. Grats, you just re-bumped (last bumped in august) an ancient thread. hlapex is dead and buried, move on. *Locked*
  17. It's C and it doesn't look like to anything related to L2. Stop spamming saying "zomfg I can't see AAAHHHH!!!!" etc. Just wondering if anyone tried to compile or something, I just won't even try. Maybe it's time to lock this up... it's useless... A quick look at google for it resulted me into... a backdoor. It's been posted on a L2 russian forum though. Into an one year old post. Locked.
  18. Well I've changed a lot of stuff. Grade S (armor, weapon, jewelry) Grade A (armor - missing nightmare heavy, gotta fix that! - , weapons, jewelry) Grade B (armor, weapon, jewelry) Grade C (few top weapons and top armors (karmian, theca, fullplate)) Raid Boss jewelry This also includes weapons with SA and unsealed armors. Any full item is now named with X in front of it. So Tallum=Xallum, Tateossian=Xateossian etc. This way you only have to hit x under item tab and you find an item, if there's one nearby. I've done it yesterday, took some time even though I made a script to add the 00's etc. Gotta check if there's anything missing from S to B, then I'll release it. My first test was running into a place where people bot and found a Tallum Helmet in no time. I'm at work now so this won't be released in the upcoming hours, but it'll be, soon. *update* Please check first post. Updated 01/10/07.
  19. Haven't tried to compile but it really doesn't make any sense to me. It doesn't even look related to anything about L2. Hmmm...
  20. Only spammers here? Gosh. Wrong section, btw. Plus, make the title as the rules say... *locked*
  21. People, stop posting things like "I will test" and stuff like that. Post only with results... if it works or not, how it does, what it does, if anything had to me changed etc. Anything like "I will test" is just spam.
  22. Bullsh*t. STOP DIGGING OLD THREADS. kedi reported. « on: 28 April 2006, 13:06:59 »
  23. Any custom-made item won't show, no matter if it's OOG or IG, couldn't find a way to add items, only edit existing ones...
  24. This makes no sense at all. Sorry to disappoint you... locking to avoid spam. Melee weapons = easier to enchant than mage weapons. +6? Come on. I can easilly get to +10 without any trick at all.
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