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About MaX1m0s

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  1. GL
  2. Let's see what can you do my friend, since you aren't the old owner of cydonius I'll give a chance.
  3. Ofc i will pay for this i like that too :P
  4. I did what ExCaLiBuR says, but it says me "Another instance of Valakas already present into database:" "It will be spawned but not saved on Database" "After server restart or raid dead, the spawned npc will be desappear" Btw, That bosses are in table grandboss_spawn and there doesn't have table mindelay/maxdelay, mindelay and maxdelay are only on Raidboss_spawn! for add baium valakas etc, in Raidboss_respawn table i think first i must change the type from grandbosses to raidbosses right??
  5. yeah bro, i did that but when i spawn a the raidboss and i kill it, it doesn't respawn in the time that i have use..:S
  6. Hello guys! Can someone tell me how the hell i'll change the respawn time of GrandBosses on l2jfrozen pack? (Valakas/AQ/Baium/Antharas/Zaken)
  7. I don't say thats only for you, but for la2players that changes every week server without a reason!
  8. Again yeah, I can't understand 1 thing guys, always deathlegend's server are stable, except sometimes where have so low activity! Why you don't give a chance to play now on Sandora so we can play all together in one server and we don't change every week servers! We know that deathlegen's server doesn't have any problem with DDoS or Company etc. SO LETS PLAY IN THIS SHIT SERVER!
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