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Everything posted by Makiavel

  1. Do you know the reason ? Moreover, after you know the reason, you need to contact the support if you've got a good reason to get unbanned. They almost never unban as there's no mistake in most cases. If it's a permanent ban, you won't get unbanned and need to do a new account
  2. Oh dear, sometimes I get 5 ranked winning streak, the day after I lose 4 due to trolls. I really get mad while playing LoL...
  3. Finals are Sunday 4AM GMT+2 / Saturday 19:00 GMT-7 / Sunday 2AM GMT Still, unexpected. I expected AZF to win but not really TPA. I didn't know them good enough and even though I wasn't cheering for M5 (prefer Azubu :D) , I didn't know TPA was that good. The finals will be really good, I'm expecting lot of good plays out of it :p I was awake from 2AM to 8 just for the playoffs, too bad I had school after , missed AZF / CLG.EU last 2 matches due to school though :( (Damn you school, playoffs were more important imo!)
  4. If game 2 had been played until the end, There wouldn't even have been a match 3, so mind your "clear gg" for CLG, since the same could be said for WE. I'm pretty disappointed, I stayed up those 10 hours of streaming nonstop for it to never end, this was really bad. But oh well, atleast french streamers were fun. Also, I've read LoL forums, and you could say it was cheating or so, but you weren't at their places, you couldn't see what they were doing, you've got no information whatsoever, moreover you weren't even there when it happened. It's just funny how ppl complain just for the sake of their favorite teams. Stop being fanboys and start judging normally. CLG.NA did it aswell, no one said a word, other teams did it too, nothing said again. You're all being a bunch of hypocrits.
  5. They lost first match and I have little faith they'll win the two to come (if they even win the second one..) + brackets don't allow a clg.eu vs azubu in finals x) Asian teams are strong and I was actually sure they'd go far, just proves it T_T. You just gotta hope for M5 to win it but yeah. I don't really like M5 so I guess I'll be rooting for an asian team (Azubu it is for me)
  6. I find the guide a little small and overall lacking explanation as to why/when you should take this item and why you chose those skills. There's no situational items/ build for special team comps. But other than that, good job and nice initiative.
  7. Just saying that I checked and it loaded perfectly fine. Are you sure you didn't have a slow internet or so and that made it unable to load awards or whatever and instead gave you this error ?
  8. Woops, it's true that I didn't think about the recent tourneys(I was talking about the old meta and not the actual one), Although they don't do 5man ganks that often ? Oo. They often switch bot and top and go for the early turret aswell as the denying (jungler comes really early and if done well can take a kill). But other than that you're right, sorry t_t
  9. You do know he's supposed to be an Assassin and you're not supposed to fight him 1 vs 1 ? I'm surprised about what kind of judgement people use nowadays to qualify OP champions. Also he's good in teamfights when used right. He's kind of balanced in my opinion.
  10. The current metagame isn't that offensive, most of the time it goes for farming and very little kills in tournaments early game / the whole game where they reach a point where one or two teamfights finish the game, I don't really like that as I like dynamic games :p Early game, I'd say you need to farm but do poke or take the kill if needed. You need to be able to do both and not solely focus on one. A kill is worth around 300 gold up to 600 for a legendary player. A creep is worth around 20 gold +- early game. But there are several other factors which makes a kill so worth it, you can deny the opponent, make him lose a wave of experience and snowball out of it and all. There's no real better thing there, it's a mix of both basically
  11. Twisted fate is LEGEN..wait for it .. DARY So did anyone even catch the trick lol, I'm still wondering what the hell I watched.
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