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Everything posted by Brute

  1. Brute


  2. Brute


  3. Brute


  4. Brute


  5. nice guide. The quest is really easy.
  6. Giran
  7. 1)Con+4Dex-4/str+4Dex-4/Str+1Dex-1 2)Necklace of Valakas,Ring of Quen Ant,Ring Of Baium,Earing of Antharas,Earing of Zaken 3)Blessing of Queen/without zergs and greater shield.
  8. I prefer Freya. It has more balance than H5 and i dont like GOD-.... Is star wars..
  9. Orc Dominator xD OP in oly ^_^
  10. Really depends. but i think dagger.
  11. Ghost hunter have a lot skill power, also counter attack which has nice reuse time. Adventurer got more HP and defence and also mirage skill which is really OP in my opinion Wind Rider got nice eveson+ skill dodge hard to hit him with normal hits and also really hard with skill when he is on dodge.
  12. str+4 con-4 Dex+4 con-4 Wit+4 int-4
  13. Good share
  14. Can someone help. I searched a lot and didnt find answer. How can i edit the castle siege times. Atm they are every 2 week at 1:00. I want to make them every Saturday/Sunday at 18/19/20 ... and cant find answer..
  15. Tnx really. Gonna try and edit my post to inform u what happened :) Edit: Everything is just Perfect. Tnx bro. A lot!
  16. Hmm. Is it possible to edit that and put it in Oly manager. But w/o showing Points/matches>?
  17. Olympiad Ranking not showing.. (Freya) How can i solve this..?
  18. I wonder if u can help me..When RB went far alway to get teleported back to spawn place (freya)
  19. Can someone help me with Foundation Upgrader for Freya if already exists ?
  20. I was wondering how can i make all enchantable buffs +max enchant on buffer.
  21. i need that too. But not autoflag zone.. just when hit on raids.
  22. seems nice. will see how its working
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