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Everything posted by MrHotFire

  1. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :good sir: :good sir: :good sir: :good sir: :good sir: Thnx for sharing it withus dude.;)
  2. Thnx for sharingi t with us dude. Lot of people is gonna use it.:p
  3. ahhahahahahahaahha......... 1)You are not the mod to warn me. 2)You are free to do it. 3)Maybe. :forever alone like a boss: :LOL:
  4. Skype: MrHotFire kai an psa3eis exei diafora tuts file mu. + wrong section.;)
  5. The people don't trust him anymore.That's why. p.s +1 karma for your share.
  6. I am not an friend of Jaha but I have to say that he is one really good mod. Anyway L2Pride is not your server.That's why he delete or lock you server topic's.
  7. :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :good sir: :good sir: :good sir: :poker face: :poker face: :poker face: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
  8. Kostakiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....xronia su polla.! :-beep- yeah:
  9. Anarotiemai an mpori na to kanei me kana puli sto stoma.:o
  10. To 3anavlepei gt tu arese.:D
  11. muxaxaxaxa....mlk gamaei!
  12. hahahhaha....apla gamato.To diavasa 3 fores milame!
  13. Eiste lg mlks.To gamisate to paidi.:p Anyway. Kane me add sto skype: MrHotFire Exo na su puliso ena system an thes na kaneis tis allages su. p.s bwin dialego.
  14. You should upload few pics dude. I am saying that because you bumped this topic 100 times.:p
  15. :not bad: :-beep- yeah: :alone: :happyforever: :good sir: :LOL:
  16. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=264145.new#new
  17. Not bad guide. Thanks for sharing it and I hope to see more nice guides like this from you.
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