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Angel Of Death

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Everything posted by Angel Of Death

  1. I didn't insult spanish people generally...only the one that stole my friend's prog...
  2. So...Who's the idiotic spanish guy that steals CrazyRabbit's Release and says it's his ?
  3. New Version for HellBound...
  4. This is ALREADY posted...here...search before you post...ty anyway...
  5. This happens when you don't know how to add items, or when the items you add are either wrong or not for the specified chronicle...
  6. The fileedit you are using is Old...use 7.4 and let us know whether it's fixed or not...
  7. profanws den epsakses arketa...otan exeis ena patched system...prepei na trexeis to loader kai oxi to l2.exe ... ektws ki an exeis balei to L2 System Patcher... kai an den exeis kanei katholoy patch to system tote trws to critical poy anafereis...giayto bres ena original system kai kanto patch me to L2 System Patcher...kai de tha soy bgazei error...
  8. New Version 8.0 Check First Post (Kamael/Hellbound)...
  9. Dstuff team calls it CT2, and i also do...meaning Hellbound of course...
  10. It surely wasn't posted , cause he released it yesterday and it's also for CT2 not only CT1...
  11. L2 Kamael GG Patch [for CT1 AND CT2] Released By CrazyRabbit Download (DivShare) Mirror (MediaFire) There's also the old version for interlude: Download (DivShare) Mirror (MediaFire) NOTE: REMEMBER TO ALWAYS KEEP A BACK-UP OF YOUR ORIGINAL "Core.dll" BEFORE YOU PATCH IT...
  12. The pic was REALLY disgusting, something like you've never even imagined, i almosted puked, when i saw it, but the hopzone's mods seem to be quick enough and fixed it in one day, anyways, it's ok now...
  13. Exeis kanei patch to system ?
  14. Koita an einai thema sxoleioy mporeis na mpeis edw kai mesw aytoy se opoio site thes...
  15. Ksana perna to arxeio character_colors apo ton fakelo sql, kai logika tha doylepsei...ektws ki an soy leipoyn ki alla, ligo dyskolo na svistike mono toy pantws...
  16. Edw einai merika Sites me idees... Genika Η ειδική θεωρία της σχετικότητας To Internet και η διάδοσή του στην Ελλάδα
  17. LOOOOL...kala kathisa kai vrika toses pics apo internet kai telika soy arese i MONI poy eftiaksa monos moy...Eleos...otan vrw xrono argotera tha allaksw to font tis i tha tonisw tin idia font...kanontas edit ayto to post... EDIT: 11 Original, 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d, 11e, 11f, 11g.
  18. Po re o kathenas me to post toy gia count...poses fores prepei na pw oti exw idi kanei post to FileEdit...kai to kanw update opote vgainei nea ekdwsi, afoy o CrazyRabbit einai gnwstos moy... PS: Den vlaptei kana search...
  19. Vasika...kai ta 3 teleftaia itan kathara fantasy, tespa variemai na ftiaksw ki alles, ama exw xrono kai de variemai mporei na ftiaksw ki alles kai na kanw edit ayto to post... EDIT: 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th,
  20. Koita, an exeis cracked GG apla ftiakse kamposa system folders me diaforetika names kai trexe to l2.exe apo to kathe ena... An den to exeis cracked, prepei na kaneis ayto poy eipe o "MariosGr"...apla ftiakse ena DOS/Batch file poy na metonomazei ton fakelo poy thes kathe fora ...
  21. Ales 3...Nomizw twra ta grammata tairiazoyn pio poly se afto poy thes... 5th, 6th, 7th.
  22. Edw eftiaksa merikes pics, einai kaloytsikes...(den diathesa kai poly wra :P): 1st: http://i28.tinypic.com/29yfiur.jpg 2nd: http://i30.tinypic.com/2miafc.jpg 3rd: http://i27.tinypic.com/dwyvd5.jpg 4th: http://i27.tinypic.com/11bn3oz.jpg Proswpika protimw tis 2 teleftaies :D
  23. Try this one By CrazyRabbit and let me know if it works [for Interlude] (It sure works for me).
  24. I have Already posted it, search before you post... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=6482.0
  25. Koita an o allos einai psyxopathis (prwta apo ola de toy fenetai) tha mporoyse aneta na skotwsei gia otidipote...oxi apla gia ena game, alla akoma kai gia mia leksi...
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