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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Blane


    How you remembered him? Ok I repsect him too.But his death was years ago.Now torjilo has the bass and he kicks asses.Not as good as cliff did but ok...Cliff died a long time ago... -Blane
  2. We are not a hacking forum here.Cracking is against the law indeed. But you wrote for educational reasons only...don't know if I have to punish you... (I'll go to the bank now...in the road I'm gonna think about you and your guide...)
  3. He's probably a friend of mine.Yeah kinda friend.We are in the same neighbourhood.He knows me and I know him and yes I remember that I told him about CL and especially about the host I found which is stable and good. Tomorrow I will say 1-2 words with this guy. -Blane
  4. I prefer english.Anyway yes there are ways of getting back the database cause I still have access to the panel but I don't want too. I am done with warez.
  5. I think I found the guy.I am gonna search a bit cause if it was someone from here I wouldn't search but I learned from someone that it's one friend of mine... I will post here if I know something... Btw I want to thank all the guys that helped the forum and the team of global moderators too. -Blane
  6. I couldn't afford a hoster just for 40-50 members.I need some members and that's because I opened a topic and I advertised the site. Anyway it's closed now and I am not going to find who this retard is cause I don't care.We received only a warning so... Life keeps going... :)
  7. I told it and I am saying it again.I am not gonna look who this retard is and I am really graceful for all members(and you gropacas) for being part of my site.I don't know if the other site(as gropacas says) did something but if it did I promise you all I am gonna bring their site down. I didn't want to come at this step.I just wrote this thread to tell my friends(you) that I am really unhappy because I had dreams for this site,I paid money,I worked for many hours after midnight and what I finally got is to close my site... -Blane
  8. Omg I won't ever believe it! It works and it rocks! OMG. Karma already given!Good one!
  9. Warezakias could be harmed from the IPB.It's not licensed I think. Anyway I know from now on I will ask the proper people. K4rMa: You began the joke, I continued.I won't even suspect you.Also this guy sent me just an e-mail.How can I be sure that he wasn't from an internet-cafe? The conversation keeps going... -Blane
  10. I don't suspect anyone.It was not just an e-mail.I said I didn't believe him at the beginning but the e-mail from the host...I couldn't take such risk.The problem of the site is not that the amount of money but the infinite hours I spent to have it online with no lags at all...About the other thing you said...In fact I don't want to advertise GreekzLive or something cause they have money and they pay the police or what it is to keep the site up. P.S: K4rma.Never suspected you.I was just a joke remember? -Blane
  11. Nothing more than a retard...
  12. I'll start from the beginning.A beginning of an end.Before a month ago I was saying, I was about to open a new, brand new, site with something on it.Yes I finally did.We were good for the first 2-3 weeks.Then we got less activity but nevertheless we got some people on this site.It's a warez site ok and we all know it's restricted to be opened.I tried to make the site and the whole system to run great and I succeed it.You saw that in all fields of my profile I advertised it but what I got is to finally close the site before a day now.Its content was not legal and I know that.It was,although,a good try to help people.What I got is to close the site after a month of its activity.Somebody says: "well ok it was supposed to be closed cause it's illegal".Yes!I knew that from the beginning.I started this site cause I saw many greek/foreign sites with the same content with many people online so I imagined such things for my own site too.I was pretty sure that none will come and check the content.What I understand after all these?Do not trust even your own father.It's the worst thing that someone wanted to close the site at its start.I don't know if he's someone from here or elsewhere and I don't care anyway.I am just saying the same thing for all.I won't trust anyone next time.I'll do the advertisement but I won't trust anyone again and talk to him about the site closely.For those who don't know the situation, someone sent me an e-mail and he treated me that if I don't close the site he'll report me somewhere(it doesn't matter where).I didn't believe him cause I know that many people saw the site and wanted, for some reason,to close it.The next day I received an e-mail from my host saying that someone reported me and they told me that I have to bring the site down.From this day me and my partner did everything and the site was closed.This man does not exist for me.I don't know who he is and I don't really want to know.I am just prepared for the next time. I am not writing this article to claim for something.I write it cause this community supported me for a long time and I had many members from here.I write it: 1.To say that I am really unhappy for the person that did that. 2.For those who doesn't know the story. 3.You're everything I got closely from the internet. With respect to all guys that supported this forum from its beginning, -Blane
  13. /sticked. In fact I am sure I am gonna prefer 1.6 but ok I'll test it. -Blane
  14. He's not talking with anyone.He's pointing on a case.And it's a serious case. I say it again : Fake developers are not meant to be -Blane
  15. Fake Developers are not meant to be.
  16. Less than 1 minute: Enjoy, -Blane
  17. Search many cheats have one.Just use the search function! ;) PS: Don't Speak Greek!!! /locked.
  19. Somehow there was an exploit but now it's useless and you can easily get banned.Your friend was logged in from l2 and that's for sure.Sometimes l2 msn send some messages ;) Don't worry your account is saved and you don't have any problem on msn. Greetings, -Blane
  20. vacations* welcome back ;)
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