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Everything posted by Dadman

  1. sltbnjr can you send me the proceed to make it working on DN pl0x :P Between french ppls we can help each other^^
  2. o0, I don' t think juggler is the real one... and second he didn't showed what you've quote it's from bonesaw...
  3. can you give me both links to dwnld the OOG version and WP that u used plz? thks in advance and gz nice guide :)
  4. plz dude share your infos :p BTW you speak French???
  5. yeah TES^^ Mohaa was my first game playing on internet :p
  6. guys, shutting down a server for a castle siege is killin ghte work blablabla???? make me cry dude. Cheating and making you rich or unkillable= Destroy their work also, so don't lie and try to look less guilt. Shuting a server down during 1/2 minutes wont kill it so, take your way guys, you are all in the wrong! Now I only wait answers like hlapex can still do it on interlude with this:"XXX". kkthx bb
  7. waouw, I can't understand what you said lol, maybe try in english... BTW you are all asking for hacks/cheats that also destroyed others. If not what are you doing here? So what's the matter, if I want for ex. an exploit to put a server down during a CS...? There are some ways to put a server down. So well, if I ask for a cheat to put a server down during a castle siege it's better?
  8. here you can dwnld interlude/C6 from the official site: http://www.lineage2.com/pds/pds_client.html But for all thecheaters here, I think this server can be a Cheats Test server^^ BTW 85 ppls online... All I want is to put this server down or kill it :P
  9. Hi guys, I was on a fenchy server who rly suxx and I know that with Hlapex you can put a server down. Is it possible on an interlude server w/o any security??^^(noobs GM's, they have 15 y.o lmao) I can't see the posts wich are hidden so using search button is useless... BTW if you wanna try here is the server system: http://nitro-gen-oz.com/files/system.rar here to create an account: The server name is desillusion with Customs weapons/no weight, grade limits. Safe to +25 and can enchant to 75 with 80% success rate. So you can have fun with cheats^^ But no subs stack, and when you say bad words or other litle things like going in and out from coliseum in fight you can be banned -.- that's why I hate this kiddy server. Ty for your helps guys :)
  10. CDL is usefull but you don't say anything about it...
  11. I was looking for this ty but I got also an error :(
  12. anyone have a good russian translator??? :D
  13. WoW isn't serious enough.
  14. yes, but you can be banned if there is any report with good proofs!!!
  15. for dlvling, dion is the best place, by hiting the guard near the church...
  16. Every GTA were nice and metal gear solid also ;)
  17. this skill don't work in any l2j, hard to fix it... and there are other skills who need "special items" that don't work, the one from wazrlock and one healer I think.
  18. nope, you don't have to kill the mobs cause if you are smart, you can't die by a mobs ( using pots or good stuffs.) 2) my server is an off with mobs, and I think I'm the one who know the most about fishing.
  19. it's an online game??? or only a solo game?
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