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Everything posted by pedrohbh

  1. can you share your crack for the 10.9.0 ? tnx dude
  2. in 90% of the l2j servers u can't log with this , cuz l2walker not have the "patcher" 100%workin in the l2j server... but in some server u can log and make something.... see the another topics, have another patches to l2gracia, to me nothing work, maybe for some here work =D
  3. english version of the patcher thx 2 ZoManX: Code: http://atomrider.atw.hu/Patcher.RAR
  4. read the topic =/ have a english translation =D
  5. http://www.elitepvpers.de/forum/lin2-exploits-hacks-bots-tools-macros/164505-share-l2-ogw10-9-0-gracia-8servers-gg-patcher.html see this topic ppl i can login in my server with this patcher i hope this help somebody all the credits is for emir0n and ZoManX for the translation to english
  6. great fake dude ¬¬'
  7. testei e nao funciono cara =/ ta dando verify fail depois do conect gameserver ajuda ai not work =/
  8. i have this error too =/ plz someone share a system folder to walker workin =/ tnx all
  9. tnx a lot dude great work but i have one problem with the system oficial, i download your system and change the .dat files but not work they say problem with gameguard , reinstal =/ u can share the system walker plz? *.* tnx dude
  10. tnx a lot dude great work but i have one problem with the system oficial, i download your system and change the .dat files but not work they say problem with gameguard , reinstal =/ u can share the system walker plz? *.* tnx dude
  11. i have it too =/ i dont know how to fix someone help?
  12. =/ need 200 posts =/ someone share this plz
  13. where is this item? (Windseeker) tnx
  14. this is not virus is the compilation blah blah blah.... safe file
  15. mordaneus rlz =D
  16. hey, the buffs fixed? in another patch if i buff another player he not receive the buffs u can tell me its work?
  17. <set name="operateType" (val="" />) i dont know but ... in this line not have a value .. maybe is it =x
  18. its dont work in l2lords, ( bakeice) , i try another way but tnx so much
  19. hmm but not conect on the webthunder i have the ip and the protocol but not connect, u know it? //to m4gnum tipo to tentando loga la e tal, mais nao da nada, fica paradao fiz tudo certo como se fosse no oficial, so q nao ta conectando tu sabe como faz? brigado
  20. http://www.l2divine.com/ some one know how i find the protocol of backice servers?
  21. you know what version work here? i use some and it say filesize error =/
  22. Tnxxxxx a lot man lot lot lot i see a botter today i think it's possible with u program i wanna know how to use walker =/ but tnx a lot i open 5 boxes *.*
  23. hm its easy? make a way to connect the l2w ingame =D
  24. yes supremel2 GG is the best =/
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