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Everything posted by metralha

  1. I have same problem!
  2. Not work for pve , stop fight not change target , you have solucion for bug?
  3. Sorry error quote just for : Quote from: Tatiana on June 22, 2009, 12:25:15 AM >>>>What? if you delete the nophx.dll, l2.exe cannot be launched.<<<< ok passe a passe step 1 : Delete nophx.dll step 2:download it: http://rapidshare.com/files/250200300/l2encdec_292.zip.html http://rapidshare.com/files/250201190/l2disablenc_ct2pt2.rar.html step 3:unzip l2encodec in system step 4 :execute and write cmd a MSDOS window will appear, enter in MSDOS window cd path where u have your system folder. for instance: cd C:\Program Files\Lineage II\system then press enter, and then write patcher.exe -f Wait until process is finished. step 5: unzip l2disablenc_ct2pt2.rar in you system done enoy
  4. omg am no have post :( and i need it pm me plx theend
  5. i ned more 10 for see it but tancks ...
  6. Linck 5 broke and i upload for ppl need echo.ini http://rapidshare.com/files/207905493/echo.rar.html
  7. Am noo but am pos my sugestion for yous . For atack moobs u need out in far atack range 5000 change 500 for 5000 and for fallow sorry i have same problen its is because bot 100% work in ofiocial but have script for it just i need too .My sugestion is put healer in you fallow manual , case u need orther atack char is possible char atck in you falow but not falow you am pu my nick in protect manber for it . sorry am noob standart and sorry bad englesh too
  8. error erro thered [9] Line [32] ..... dont work edit:in gracia ct2 ..... my time lose
  9. guys plz am analfabet \no have 200 post\ my pc is AMD 2500+ \1 gb ram \geoforce 5200 256 mb\ and no possible buy new pc i not have money \and I always try to help but be apprentice\ i need seeeeeeee u topc i need u both plz omg givme grift plx am lay person!!!or g givme linck have both off for private server (Gracia part 2) i luking but not have ok? Tancks guys i love yous OBS : I now try all topics that I try to speak well and use L2net edit host in then log OOg 10.9.3 and I get same error (enter word time out)I get a lot virus to try several options .... :( edit am up one stage now i not get msg enter word time out but i dont know what i nnneeed look amon or no? ogg not disconect and i see mp,hp,status,but no move ,no see skills , help plox..look: i need l2info.dat change? i use oogg 10.92 and inf.dat from 10.93 Sorry guys am make help in error topic move admin plx and sorry me
  10. Opem for me pm me pllx am anafalbet in suburbio realy and i have one good and espancive love but bad englesh:)
  11. yes tancks mandachumbo but for edit l2.ini i have problem a lot but now its ok l2fileedit dont opem l2.ini and se am change fuul l2.ini l2walker not rum but now i solved poroblem tancks a lot
  12. You problem is not start combat? se is it go to Policy and in option "when Target is in " ( in Far atack) and try put 5000 range . se is it you problem
  13. Only 1 problem i not know se have topic for it , all funcions ok but falow its not work any ppl know fix it?
  14. is scrip or dll but no topic on for help :(
  15. Have only one proble walker not have perfect work not falow .... any ppl help for fix it? my bot atack in my target but no move XD not falow possible :) tancks
  16. Tannnncks a lot work in l2emu :) xd i have ig onnn lol tancks adal
  17. Tancks a lot work in l2emu :)
  18. Friends, cracks are afraid viruses if you do not use l2walker is simple!! You'll be afraid of viruses? you have money in your pc? Not affecting my operating system I want virus fuck Crack = virus be part of his work
  19. I have same problem and secund McOwned this solucion is script but not have post or guide for it XD help=0
  20. Scripts ?were i download scripts ? and .... Plx make post for script for you work up a complet help!!!
  21. My problem is my antivirus kaspersky se you use it unstall and change you ant virus not lose you time try pause firewal and put in execion progames u need realy unstal
  22. ADAL13 u can pm me plx and givme linck am analfabet am not have money for see you post and i need ig work in gracia plx tancks +1 karma for you ok
  23. Tancks man nice tancks perfect
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