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Everything posted by SmallJIes

  1. τι ειναι παιδια ξερετε?
  2. » No grade = 1 % » Mid Grade = 2 % » High Grade = 3 % » Top Grade = 5 % ?
  3. Today Grand opening join all guys
  4. Hi i want help about blade dancer Dyes tacticks for oly on interlude chance ++ arested skill or power?
  5. opws einai sthn foto
  6. Hi all I want the file that seen on the chat the success rate of skills like in the picture
  7. dn mporw na to vrw paidia pantos efxaristw
  8. Geia sas paidia 8a mporouses kapoios na moy pei pio arxeio einai afto poy dixnei poso % einai na piasoyn ta skills?sto chat
  9. Hi i looking for a pvp server interlude gm shop no costum items new server it will be opening or have already opened 1 day
  10. [L.I.N.E ][ A.G.E MORA] INTERLUDE PVP [LIBERATORS ITS BACK] [+]Interlude No Custom PVP [+]GRAND RE-OPENING : 22.11.2014 [+]Pure Style like old times. [+]No Bugs [+]Stable Project , Extremely GamePlay , Unique Mods [+]Are you ready for a real war? [DONT FORGET] [FEATURE LIST] : http://lineage2mora.net/c6/forums/index.php?/topic/74-lineage-2-mora-network-liberators-project-official-features-gameplay/&do=findComment&comment=413 [DONT FORGET] CLAN EVENT : http://lineage2mora.net/c6/forums/index.php?/topic/76-lineage2-mora-network-clan-event/ ADVERTISMENT EVENT : http://lineage2mora.net/c6/forums/index.php?/topic/75-lineage2-mor-network-advertisment-event/ -ALL WILL BE THERE , DONT MISS IT! By MoraX For the NetWork
  11. Trusted seller!!!Everything went good +1
  12. http://l2psycho.net/ Queen ant Dc set Recs tts Adena Some mats
  13. i sell my char on l2 psyho Queen ant some recipes tts jewals adena 200kk dc set and mats
  14. bump
  15. SITE OF L2Psycho - http://l2psycho.net/ STARTS 21.06.2014 Unique PvP Balance - No more Mages hits for 100 dmg on full ressists , No more OP Archers and Daggers ! Balanced Mana potions Reduced Epics Respawn time (example baium 4 days + small window time) CLAN EVENT - Register your clan in our clan section with 15+ people on start you will recieve 10k CRP BOOST. Like our Facebook page for live events with many awards :) Barakiel Respawn 7hours +2hours random time Exp: 50x Sp: 50x PartyExp: 2.0x Drop: 35x Spoil: 35x Adena Drop: 40x RaidDrop: 7x GrandBoss: 3x GrandBoss jewels(drop 1): AQ:50% Orfen:70% Core:70% Zaken:Baium: 100% Valakas: 100% Antharas: 100% Frintezza: 100% QuestDrop: 10x QuestReward: 2x Quest Adena Reward: 5x Quest Exp/Sp Reward: 15x Manor: 3x Enchant: Safe Enchant : 3 Safe Full Body : 4 Max Enchant Weapons: 16 Max Enchant Armors: 16 Enchant Success: 60% Other Goodies: Gm Shop until B Grade Buffer : 24+-4 / 2h buff time (+-Pet buff Except Necromancers) Olympiad 2 weeks Mana Potions All Castle / Clan Hall works Skills 100% working DualBox is allowed Npc Changing classes Subclass without quest Nobless require Barakiel/buyable Merchant of Mammon in town Blacksmith of Mammon in town Friendly Gm Staff Regular updates GM Events Custom Events Player's spawn protections AntiBot System Machine: Intel Core i7-4770 Quadcore Haswell 32 GB DDR3 RAM ECC 2 x 240 GB 6 Gb/s SATA SSD Software-RAID 1 Internet 1Gbps
  16. Join to beta test server!!!
  17. bump
  18. bump
  19. Nice Server Good features
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