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Everything posted by chris18

  1. If you had to take a side..which one do you think it suits you more and why? ;D
  2. Topic Update: Poll added (Vote and don't forget to say why)
  3. apo mena ena cd twn scorpions gia ton xxrxx
  4. Mess with the best..die with the rest :P
  5. I want to buy any kind of L2Gold items(Weapons,jwelry,shields,armors ect.....) If you PM me in forum dont forget to tell me your MSN.You can also add me by your self to speak there directly(MSN),or send me an e mail(if you dont have an MSN i suggest you to make one so we can talk easily).I will answer you when i will be online(I am 8 hours online in forum and MSN daily). Mine MSN/E-mail: xdarkgr@hotmail.com (ADD ME ON MSN) TOPIC LOCKED TO AVOID SPAM
  6. Xriazese 150 posts..kai exeis 7.
  7. Back for ever...Best for ever!!!!
  8. I am giving real cash
  9. Yep,we agree ;D
  10. Nop ur not ^^
  11. ok problem solved Locked.
  12. In l2gold there is a system now which blocks you when you are going to dual box,i just can't open another window,it doesn't allow me.Is there a program that's bypassing that?(maybe it is already posted,it's just that i have used the search button but i didn't find something)
  13. Oute auto epiase ;D
  14. i haven't downloaded anything from yestairday :( Also i have tried to reistall my browser but nothing :( Is there a way to block some sites with firefox or Opera ?
  15. From yestairday,when i connect in the internet EVERY :( 3 mins a site with adds is loading in my desktop automatically.It's really annoying! :-[ ,that's happening to me from yestairday.Do you know why is that happening and how can i sovle it???????? Ty :)
  16. Hehe..Kalo alla dn epiase : )
  17. ~BesT oF ~ ;) :P
  18. Do not undig old threads......... Closed
  19. Psifiste gia to pleon anamenomeno MMORPG kata tin gnomi sas edo pera!Min ksexasete na peite ton logo! :)
  21. Epidi dn exei ginei locked dn simenei oti mporeis na to ksethapseis Topic Locked to avoid spam.
  22. Ena L2 account me lvl78 female prophet...!
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