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Everything posted by AltoCheater

  1. Hello, Selling the following characters: - Necromancer 41 with 18% +karmian set +full C jewelery set +demon staff -> Price: 20€ - Bishop 40 52% +karmian set +crucifix of blood -> Price: 25€ - Human Rogue 41 60% no single quest done, totally naked -> Price: 15€ - 6kk adena -> 3e/milion // Bundle price: 6kk = 15e All characters have normal nicknames and each acc is attached to independent gmail account done just for this server and will also be given with all account info. IMPORTANT: Payment done via paypal and always you'll have to pay first, I don't accept middlemans or giving account first, got already some feedback, do not waste time trading with me if you're not going to accept payment methods. I can send any kind of screen or info you need before payment. ***BUNDLE PRICE*** For 45€ u will get: -Necromancer + Bishop + Rogue + Adena ++ -Warlord 49 (NO MAIL) - FREE -Gladiator 44 naked (NO MAIL) - FREE - Maths+random items in accs (around 5kk-7kk) - FREE My skype: D_juarez15 or Origen#6090 Discord.
  2. Looking for more scamming? Atleast you could create a new account, shameless...
  3. WTS Rogue 41 not a single quest done so you can go Hawkeye or Treasure Hunter. I also give Gmail account linked to Master Account. Has 2 days of +10% exp rune. Price: 30e or Top C Mage Weapon / Yaksa Mace
  4. Purchased 11kk in DEX. Very trusted, extermly fast answer and payment, i'll repeat :D
  5. FYI. Trying to sell items also for adena (atleast I can trust adena sellers...) so I can't ensure full availability, if anyone has interest in some item just tell me and i wont sell it for couple days till negotiation is over.
  6. FYI, Be care with ArchPwnz (SIMX23 or simone.olivieroo in Skype) and the ones who trust MrPro. The first one is the scammer, the second one is the middleman who trusted him and sinceraly I think they are the same person or close friend who helps him to scam, I still waiting for his response and this guy always talk as "we". I think i dont need to upload images since no one of them are a true "proof" of scam (how can i proof i sent items?) I obviously dont win anything with this and i'm losing my time, just want to prevent ppl to get scammed as I did because I trusted a "trusted seller".
  7. Ye, stupid from my side... The funny part was when he started to tell me "hmmm... maxcheaters is like 95% scammers, srry i cant trust you" I wasnt trusting him, just got fucked with that "mrpro" truster. He'll obviously will tell that i need to show proofs when obviously i cant proof that i send a mail with my items.
  8. Seriously, I accept i get scammed, u got a free zaken, atleast you could stop trolling me, enough i lost 1h with you to get now my post screwed. You got free item, you won, now atleast let me sell my other stuff to serious buyers. And btw, if i'm a scammer and you're a trusted guy like this guy from above says you could send me back that blue 15, no?
  9. Just amazing... You made me waste like 1h chatting with you, tried to give u many payment ways, I even trust you with that guy who wont pay me obviously and u even come to call me scammer when you obviously wont use this acc anymore. Anyway, I had to get scammed some day.
  10. He just scammed me a zaken earring and 2 blue crystal, who pays me now? Atleast u could take care about who u trust. Thanks and enjoy ur free zaken. One hour lost with that guy for this...
  11. From now on I DONT ACCEPT MIDDLEMANS/TRUSTED SELLERS/ANYTHING ELSE. YOU PAY FIRST, NO DISCUSS. If need reasons just read comments. I'm serious seller, don't wanna make you waste time and I don't want you to make me waste my time. WTS: Shillien Saint 85/3x75 Armor> Vesper Robe SE 85/3x75 Armor> Vesper Robe 900 att Jewel> Vorpal+Olympiad jewel Weapons Vesper Caster> Holy attack ( 150 att) Vesper Buster> Water attack (150 att) Icarus Spirit> Earth attack (180 att) Spell Breaker> Non-attribute attack Mysterius sword> M.Def Mysterius sword> WM active Mysterius sword> reflect damage Mace underword> Prayer SOES Heavy war axe Health Accesories: Cloak of flame +6 Mithril Bracalet Striped Mithril shirt CP Moirai Shield Vesper sigil Skills +10 to +15 11k Fame Price: 75e 1- Phoenix Knight Noble 85 75x3 (haste, celestial + divine enchanter (SWM 80), summoner) + Flame Cloak +6 - Vesper Cutter +8 200 Earth - 40€ - 1.3b Sold - Vesper Bow clean - Vorpal Set hvy 972 ATT (boots +6) - 50€ - 1.6b Sold BP -> Set for 900kk / 30€ - All oly Wep - Oly Zaken/QA - Augment: Active Duel Might / Active Reflect dmg / Active Celestial Shield - Soul Zaken Cloak - All FS Learn (no Archer Will). Stun, Tribunal, Shackle, Sacri +16 / Icon +13 / ToL, Shield of Faith +9 / Rest skills +5-+10 - 500kk SP - 18k Fame Points - Quest Frintezza Done Bundle price: 100€ SOLD 2- GK Noble 85 75x3 (haste, celestial, passive focus) + Flame Cloak +6 - Vesper Fighter +10 Focus 300 Fire - 75e - 2.9b - Vorpal Light Set 1212 ATT - 65e - 2.4b - Free Vesper wep to choose (got 7 bones) - Oly QA - All FS Learn. Zealot +20 / Rest skills +10 - 2.1b SP (max) Bundle price: 165€ With purchase of atleast one of thoose chars I can also sell: - Zaken Earring - 25€ "SOLD" (Scammed from the stupid guy from comments) - Hierophant 83 (CC learn, resists +10) - SD 82 - 2 DoD 80 1 DOD - 2 Soul Crystal Blue 15 + some random adena and stuff (300-400kk) "SOLD" (Scammed from the stupid guy from comments) - MW Moi heavy helm +4 180 ATT - 15€ - 1kkk Adena = 35€ SOLD Feel free to ask, send Mail.
  12. Hello, we are two friends leaving serv and we want to sell all our stuff in one trade, we're offering 4 accounts with the following chars and items. I only put the most valuable stuff, there are many other little things, if u need more detailed info just ask. Bundle Price: 50 euro --> Arbalaster 77 15% full vita: - Quest hot done - Varka lvl 1 done, lvl 2 half done - Pailaka 73 NOT done - PA till 19/10 - Vita item 15 days left - Adv. Buff all lvls 24 days left - GW 66 413 p.atk wep - Cabrio done - Destro 62 included in same acc --> Silver Ranger 76 10% full vita: - Similar profile than Arbalaster - Spoiler 60 included in same acc - GW 64 413 p.atk wep --> BD 71 PA 10 days left. + Koka 74 --> SE 75 PA 10 days left. Items: - 100kk - Draconic Bow 25 fire - Around 200 CoL PM offer in Euro for half bundling, pref Paypal as payment but we can discuss about it.
  13. Hi, I'm a Diamond 2 Spanish player and I offer to you my services at cheaper price than professional boosters, I've aready done many boostings before but I got only feedback in another spanish forums so if you are not from there I cant give you any feedback from now untill I dont start boosting here. Given the fact that i'm not a professional booster or something like that my prices are flexible and we can discuss it via Skype, but for sure it will be cheaper than mostly boosters you'll find(they will be faster and more eficient, for sure, but i'm also fast, I'm your personal shopper while they are your supermarket). Also can give you tips and coaching while I'm playing with your account, I like to keep in touch with my buyers so dont be afraid to ask. I wont answer any message of your friends or buy anything with your account without your permission. I boost any account from Bronce V to Gold V, I can also boost from Gold V to Platinum V without any problems but i'll be require a bit more time, so it will be a bit more expensive, but we can negotiate. My win ratio with silver accs use to be 80-90% average time for game 25-30 mins. My bundle prices are: Full Bronze to Silver-> 25e Full Silver to Gold -> 35e Full Gold to Platinum -> 75e You can add me in Skype to talk and negotiate payment and price-> Lol Rush For faster response please SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE HERE and then add me Skype.
  14. Chars: Dun Modr -> Ally Druid lvl90, full enhant/mining full pvp honor +2 sand pieces, 87k Gold, lots of -beep-ts. Cthun -> 4 chars on lvl 85(not very equiped) Has all expansions(MoP included), paid till april. Also the account is attached to a new D3 account, included for free. I can also sell only the gold for a good price but i prefer to sell all in pack. Offers via PM, we can talk by skype, msn or if u are spanish via what'sapp/facebook. I'm not a professional seller, so I don't have many recomendations but I sold a pair of times on this forum and never got problems. I'm flexible with price Why I sell this account: I got last week this account from a friend and I didn't like the game, so I sell it, i got all the needed info for account changing. PAYMENT: VIA PAYPAL
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