I'm an elemental summoner lvl 54 and now i can't log next two weeks and i dont wanna loose lvl compared with my mates so i'm looking for some lvling.
I give u my account with a karmian, homu and 1kk, u decide how u lvl her, boxing, lvling or whatever u want.
Send me pm's with:
-Lvl u can lvl me(i'm not interested also in 80 100% if the price is too expensive
-How much euro will cost
-How much time u will spend
-Some refeer for preventing scamming
-If u can do quests like sub, varka/ketra, 3rd prof, etc.
Dont PM me with "how much u offer" send me mails with ur possibilities and some diferent prices for example:
lvl 70: X€
lvl 75: Y€
lvl ??: Z€
Quest sub: +??€
Quest varka/ketra: +??€
3rd class quest: +??€
I dont wanna waste a lot of monney so if u wanna I pay 100 euro don't even try.