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Everything posted by AltoCheater

  1. Got 50kkk I sell them to 1.5€ every milion, if u got huge quantities I could make a better price PM me with BT, mail, skype or smth. If u can prove than u are reliable I can give gold first
  2. if u sell ur account without items, PM price I'm not interested on ur stuff
  3. touché. But there's also ppl who can do powerlvl and thoose things and maybe they do it already but now with a box(my char), so u only have to get it online. Anyway u are right, didnt remember account costs, but the other guy don't have reason for comming here to post, never said i pay 15€ for lvl 78(it's ridiculous even for me) and his price was so expensive compared to other offers
  4. Never said lvl 78, only wanted 75-76 and u wanna I pay 80€ for lvl 76 when there's ppl who sells 3rd class with sub A-grade equiped for 100-120 euro?
  5. up. Stop mailing me with mails like " lvl u to 77 80€" For 80€ I can buy a new char with sub and something more, be rational.
  6. I'm an elemental summoner lvl 54 and now i can't log next two weeks and i dont wanna loose lvl compared with my mates so i'm looking for some lvling. I give u my account with a karmian, homu and 1kk, u decide how u lvl her, boxing, lvling or whatever u want. Send me pm's with: -Lvl u can lvl me(i'm not interested also in 80 100% if the price is too expensive -How much euro will cost -How much time u will spend -Some refeer for preventing scamming -If u can do quests like sub, varka/ketra, 3rd prof, etc. Dont PM me with "how much u offer" send me mails with ur possibilities and some diferent prices for example: lvl 70: X€ lvl 75: Y€ lvl ??: Z€ Quest sub: +??€ Quest varka/ketra: +??€ 3rd class quest: +??€ I dont wanna waste a lot of monney so if u wanna I pay 100 euro don't even try.
  7. Keep looking for a box or a good lvl summoner :D
  8. PM with info and what u want, i'm new on server so they must have some equipment
  9. I came for cheating :>
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