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Everything posted by DgSSSS

  1. it's nice :D if you have some extra buttons please share :P( custom buttons)
  2. Hi. Can you please share the armor? ... :D
  3. thxxxx I was looking for this :P:P
  4. nice gm shop ... added to collection :P
  5. OMG SO COOL WEAP:D:D:D ty dude :X
  6. A nice work from a nice guy. Ty and GJ :D
  7. This is a nice topic please continue... learning... dnd :D
  8. In my opinion l2jfrozen is the best pack I ever seen ... all of you arguing what is best and what is worse... everyone with his opinion. :D [ this is turning to a serios off-topic :)) ]
  9. thx for the codes :D nc share :P
  10. Please upload it elsewere or close the topic.....:\
  11. just dinasty armor with some cool stats... anyway they look coll +stats = nice armors:P keep up the share:D
  12. I love these ones :d very cool :D
  13. I wonder how some ppl say thx for the share bla bla... but they don't even have 20 post to see it :)) that's funny:P (sorry for off topic)
  14. I really like those wings , added to pc :]
  15. I don't like it... the way that the bow can be seen from any side of the char... but it looks ok :P gj
  16. Thank you 4 you're share.. Keep up the good work! :D
  17. Very very nc. I think I'm gonna use these for my server :D
  18. Yeah.. I'm trying to find the same thing... but no luck so far...
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