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Demonic SouL

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Everything posted by Demonic SouL

  1. lol re takh i clan exi mia aspida stin opia mpori na vali ikonoula tora pos den thimame..
  2. ainte re ti orgia ekane kai autos o kopritis..telos panton oli oi anthropi kanoun malakies kai oloi prepi na sigxorounte theos xoreston ainte mas ekane kai doraki tin pempti den exoume sxolio
  3. MDK dont lauging u will be banned too soon^^ im watching u
  4. episis oi Moderator den mporoun na kanoun kanenan life time donator kai etc mono o admin ! :)
  5. hmm i dont know develop but i want to ask you you have make a new id for the armor or you have add it in an other armor example you take the shadow majestic heavy set and make it epic maybe the mana still there for this i dont know..i hope i have help a little good evening
  6. nice one ;) i edit ur post because it was like this http://www.l2jdp.com/nightly/---DownLoad The DataPack And Server Unstable the download was stuck to the link its ok now :)
  7. just wait man..if he log in..he will check just dont spam!
  8. forum isnt a brothel LEARN TO POST IN THE CORRECT SECTION
  9. why u dont make an S grade weapon + u will sell it more expensive ;)
  10. sostos takh theli akoma ligo kero mpori mia evdomada isos kai dio alla oxi akoma tora arxisane oli na douleuoun kamael ;)
  11. what u mean hax0r?what u can do if u are a cs/wow mod ? if u mean this im sure u can everything hidden and access in hidden section but this is ur problem? :S:S:S what more u can do?
  12. oh Aris(killer) dont have time as we say on the hidden so he cant.. i agree with TheMental but he's already moderator..i dont know if he want..
  13. *Topic Sticked* Nice job Anni ;) You make the life easier ;D
  14. *topic locked* a global mod please move it to spam topic
  15. please modify ur message delete the quote is very big thanks
  16. i write my wishes cuz i have to go on other house for revegion :P i hope all your dreams come true!
  17. δεν το γραψε παλικάρι η MrsGarrison :P τεσπα το διάβασα χθες..μια χαρά τα λέει!
  18. warning,please dont lock topics! if a topic is in wrong section a mod will move it Thanks
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