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About koziolekl

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  1. or missing textures, a garde armors come later in game, lol
  2. Yes, you can change language at options in game.
  3. You can try this one: http://www.arkadiuszkoz.master.pl/Lineage2HoW_sys/system.rar (Password: www.iagaming.net)
  4. L2 C2 game client portable(retail untouched): http://www.arkadiuszkoz.master.pl/Lineage2AoS/ L2 C2 system folder(untouched): http://www.arkadiuszkoz.master.pl/Lineage2AoS_sys/system.rar L2 C2 system folder(gg killed and patched for newer operation systems) tested at windows 98SE till win10 working with no problems. Protocol version - 419. http://www.arkadiuszkoz.master.pl/Lineage2AoS_sys_patched/system_patched.rar Password for patched system: iA
  5. Hello When i'm trying to buy more than 999 stackable items i'm getting this error: invalid amount at file[userSocket.cpp], line[1380] I was trying to fix it with hex editor but I cannot find where exactly it is :S
  6. wrong section- there you go: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/43-request-server-dev-help-l2j/
  7. as far I remmeber there was something like core.dll edited, or thing called "nosleep" other way is using l2walker in game p.s. would be nice to know which chronicle are you playing on
  8. or you can set autoban account after 30 days and force people to have stand-alone account only for AIO
  9. Hello I would like to limit charcter names but I don't know how to do that. Rules: -min 3 chars -no !@#$%^&*()_.<>:; and stuff like that -no other custom stuff just the alphanumeric Here is my procedure: SET @char_name = RTRIM(@char_name) DECLARE @char_id int SET @char_id = 0 -- debug code delete in commercial IF (GETDATE() < '2004-1-1') SET @builder = 1 IF @char_name LIKE N' ' BEGIN RAISERROR ('Character name has space : name = [%s]', 16, 1, @char_name) RETURN -1 END -- check user_prohibit if exists(select char_name from user_prohibit (nolock) where char_name = @char_name) begin RAISERROR ('Character name is prohibited: name = [%s]', 16, 1, @char_name) RETURN -1 end declare @user_prohibit_word nvarchar(20) select top 1 @user_prohibit_word = words from user_prohibit_word (nolock) where PATINDEX('%' + words + '%', @char_name) > 0 if @user_prohibit_word is not null begin RAISERROR ('Character name has prohibited word: name = [%s], word[%s]', 16, 1, @char_name, @user_prohibit_word) RETURN -1 end -- check reserved name declare @reserved_name nvarchar(50) declare @reserved_account_id int select top 1 @reserved_name = char_name, @reserved_account_id = account_id from user_name_reserved (nolock) where used = 0 and char_name = @char_name if not @reserved_name is null begin if not @reserved_account_id = @account_id begin RAISERROR ('Character name is reserved by other player: name = [%s]', 16, 1, @char_name) RETURN -1 end end sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand me
  10. Okey I'm gald I could help, have fun whatever are you going to do with it:)
  11. http://www.4shared.com/zip/WfAm4vYyba/system_c3.html Let me know if it's working or not.
  12. ... please read the title "[interlude] Lindvior Weapons With Glow - Copyrights" by the way, amazing share thanks a lot dude
  13. No, its from ivory-tower.de
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