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  1. Get ready ^^ We need less thaN 900 members!
  2. If you want dont play l2 lawl...
  3. This, step by step, detailed photoshop lesson will show you how to create cool ice effect. You can apply this effect on any photo. Let's start! Step 1 First, find any black and white photo which you like to use for this lesson and open it in Photoshop. You can also use my photo below! Step 2 Duplicate now Your layer (CTRL + J) and choose Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation. After that, make the adjustments as follow: Step 3 Choose now Filter > Distort > Wave and make the adjustments as follow: Step 4 Set the blending mode to Linear Burn and after that choose Layer > Merge Down. You should now have something like below. Step 5 Duplicate Your layer again (CTRL + J) and repeat step 2. After that, choose Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and make the adjustments as follow: Step 6 Set the blending mode now to Hard Light. See the picture below! You should now have something like below. We're done! CREDITS ~~> Toxiclab!
  4. How to Make a Stylish Glowing Box in Photoshop In this Adobe Photoshop graphic design tutorial, we are going to create a magical glow effect coming from a box in Photoshop. This is a pretty simple effect that looks great and can easily be adapted for use in other ways. Final Result Here is what we’re going to try and achieve. See the large full-scale version by clicking on the image. Download and set up the stock photo 1 Lets go ahead and get our stock photo. You can download it here. http://imageafter.com/image.php?image=b13objects_household028.jpg Open it up in Photoshop. No we want to straighten out the box so click and hold down the Eyedropper Tool in the Tools panel, and then click on the Measure Tool (also known as the Ruler Tool). 2 Now click and drag a line so it follows the bottom edge of the box. Go to Image > Rotate Canvas > Arbitrary. Don’t change the number, click OK. This will straighten out your box. Now go in and crop the document so there are no white edges showing. Cleaning up the stock image 3 Since the light source is going to be from the inside, our shadow is going to be different that how it currently is. So, we are going to get rid of the shadow on the cover. Use the Marquee Tool and select a part of the bright area, then bring that selection into a new layer (Ctrl + J). Bring it over to the left edge and fit it in the corner. (If you use Ctrl + T to transform the layer, then control and move the corners of the box it will skew them to get a better fit.) 4 Add a layer mask by clicking on the Add a layer mask button at the bottom of the Layers panel, and use a soft black brush to mask out the right side of the highlighted area we just duplicated (the middle area of the box). Play around with it until you get a smooth transition between the two layers and so there aren’t any duplicated areas. 5 Now link the two layers. Merge them together, Layer > Merge Layers (Ctrl + E). 6 Now we are going to take another selection, this time grab a selection of the entire width of the brighter area we just made. Bring the new selection into a new layer (Ctrl + J). Then blend the new layer like in step 4. Use the Clone Stamp Tool (S) by first Alt + clicking on an area you want to clone from, then painting the area that needs to be cloned. Cutting out the box from our stock image 7 Now we are ready to cut out the box. Go in and use the Pen Tool to cut out the box and bring it into a new document. Use 1680 x 1050 px for its dimensions. Size it down to around 30%. Creating the background 8 Let’s work on the background. Pick a dark blue color and fill the background (Ctrl + Del). 9 Grab a lighter version of that color, create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) and create a radial gradient. 10 Transform the gradient (Ctrl + T), bring it under the box then stretch and squeeze it so it fits like so. Darken the box 11 We are now going to darken the box. Open up the hue/saturation window, Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation (Ctrl + U). Change your setting like I have them below. http://images.sixrevisions.com/2009/04/22-11_glowing_box_11.jpg[/img] Open up the Curves window, Image > Adjustments > Curves (Ctrl + M) and change your settings to something like what I have. Putting in the glow 12 Let’s put the glow in the box now. Using the Elliptical Marquee Tools draw a circle so the side edges of the box touch the inside sides of the box. 13 Select the circle layer by using (Ctrl + Right-click) circle layer and create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N). Fill the area with a light blue. Make sure the white circle is the top layer. Click on the white circle layer and transform the circle using Edit > Free Transform (Ctrl + T). Hold down Shift + Alt shrink the circle. 14 Now to give it a glowing look we are going to blur the edges of both the circles. First click on the blue circle layer and then go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian blur. Do the same thing with the white circle. 15 Link the two circles together (click the empty box to the left of the layer, then merge the layers, Layer > Merge Down (Ctrl + E) to merge the two layers. Now use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to make a box around the bottom part of the circle that isn’t inside the box and delete it. Creating the outer glow 16 Now we are going to add an outer glow to the circle. Click on the "Add a layer Style" button at the bottom of the Photoshop Layers Panel and select Outer Glow. Adjust the settings like I have them. The color is going to be R: 190 G: 239 B: 255. 17 We are now going to make another radial gradient using white as our color. Put the layer behind the glowing circle and stretch it out so it covers the whole width of the box. Change the Blending Mode to Overlay. Now duplicate that layer by right-clicking on the layer and selecting Duplicate Layer… in the dialog box (Ctrl + J) to make it brighter. Adding in the details (floating particles) 18 Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N). We are going to create some particles floating off the glow. Click on the Brush Tool (B) and get a brush with 0% hardness, around 20 px. Pull up the brush settings (F5). http://images.sixrevisions.com/2009/04/22-18_glowing_box_18.jpg[/img] 19 Create a new layer and start painting on a few particles until you get something you like the following. You can adjust the size of the brush and experiment with its settings to get the desired effect. http://images.sixrevisions.com/2009/04/22-19_glowing_box_19.jpg[/img] 20 Now go into your layer styles and change your outer and inner glows to what I have below. Drag that layer just below the circle layer. Giving the box a drop shadow 21 We are going to give the box a little bit of a shadow. Click on the box layer and duplicate the layer (Ctrl + J). Use Ctrl + Right-click on the new layer to select it, and fill it with black #000000. Drag it below the box layer. Go to Filter > Blur> Gaussian Blur and change the setting to 12.4. Click OK. Now bump the shadow down a little bit. 22 Click on the Elliptical Marquee Tool, change the feather to 100 px and draw a circle around the box. Make sure that your foreground is black (#000000) and the background is white (#FFFFFF), then go into Filter > Render > Clouds. Change the Blending Mode of the layer to Soft Light and the opacity to 70%. http://images.sixrevisions.com/2009/04/22-22_glowing_box_22.jpg[/img] Finished! There you have it, a magical glowing box. I’m going to put my logo in and we are finished! CREDITS ~~> Ddesigns!
  5. K4rMa


    Douleuei ? Vevaiws douleuei... alla douleuei s 10 xronoN k katw... Prepei na eisai pl tragikos gia na pisteueis oti mporeis na klepseis etC kala items.. K me to random party p petaei o allos to oplo 3 fores katw... pou to les gia na ginei ++ fovero e ? Kt tetia akouw k ekneurizOmai... tCp to ksekleidwnw an k arga h grigora 8a kleidw8ei k pali... Kali s mera.. (FoVero pantws...) Prepei na einai poli eksupnos autos p to ekane post.. LOcked k to aLLo unlocked.
  7. The pics dont show actions in photoshop but it shows the site ! Web design library 1,000 + tutorials mpla mpla
  8. Photoshop - Colour an old photograph Works in all versions of photoshop but works better with photoshop CS and newer versions You may have seen old photographs coloured with photoshop. Here is a tutorial on how to colour an old photograph using photoshop's basic tools. Remember, you are the one to catch the colour detail and you must trust your eye. STEP ONE Start by opening Adobe Photoshop. Look for a black and white/desaturated photograph. Choose FILE-Open. The photoshop should load it. Should look like this. In this case, here's mine. STEP TWO Now, it's time to begin selecting parts of the image to colour them. Now, duplicate the first layer. Then, go to IMAGE-ADJUSTMENTS-LEVELS Arrange the levels and click OK. In this case, as you saw, the photo was too light, the dark parts weren't shown well enough. So drag the dark slider to the right to make the black appear more. In my case, I used the SHADOW/HIGHLIGHT TOOL. I know, this is suppose to make less shadow or highlight in the photo, but in this case, it gave me the shadows back. Here are the settings for it. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour3shadowhighlight.jpg[/img] STEP THREE Start by, selecting the male skin. To do this, you can use MASK, PEN TOOL or POLYGONAL LASSO. The PEN TOOL + MASK for soft selections will give the best results. That's what I used in this case. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour2selectionskinm.jpg[/img] STEP FOUR For the skin near the hair line, I used the MASK tool to get a softer (less transparent) result. Then go to SELECT-INVERSE. This is done to select the skin, because as you saw, I masked the outside of the skin. Note: DO NOT SELECT THE INSIDE OF THE EYE, TEETH OR HAIR. Only face and hands. After you're done selecting the skin, go to edit, COPY, then PASTE it on the new layer. It'll go on a new layer. Then go to IMAGE-ADJUSTMENTS-LEVELS AND ADJUST THEM AGAIN. THIS TIME IT'LL ONLY EFFECT THE SKIN. Note: It'll only effect the layer of skin on this layer, not the original photo. Name this layer SKIN SELECTION M http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour4levelsskin.jpg[/img] STEP FIVE Now, highlight your new layer SKIN SELECTION M, and go to IMAGE-ADJUSTMENTS-HUE & SATURATION. Do these settings. Ofcourse, this will vary with every photograph. Don't worry about the colour yet. This is just make make it a bit red. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour5huesaturation.jpg[/img] STEP SIX Now, select the female skin. Use the same techniques to select the skin and paste it on a new layer. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour6selectionskinf.jpg[/img] STEP SEVEN Now go to IMAGE-ADJUSTMENTS-HUE & SATURATION Again, use the same settings as for the man. Then, select the female hair using the MASKING tool. It's better because you may use a soft brush for the hair. Then copy and paste it on a new layer. Same as before. Then use these settings for the hair. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour7hairlooks.jpg[/img] STEP EIGHT Now, the real skin colouring begins. Go to layer SKIN SELECTION M, select the outside of it (not the skin, the background) and go to make a new layer. Then select the brush tool and with the selection still on (INVERSE IT to select the skin), start painting. Now, you won't have to worry about painting in areas that you are not suppose to as the selection prevents it. Choose 3 colours. 1 dark, 1 medium and 1 light. . Now with a low opacity brush, paint the dark areas with the darker colour. You can keep stroking the brush over an area to make it even darker, since it's low opacity. I used it at 25% opacity. Then select the medium skin colour and paint in medium areas. Do the same with the light one. Set the layer's blend mode to COLOUR. You should get something like this. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour8skinretouchM.jpg[/img] STEP NINE Do the same thing for the woman. NEW LAYER AND PAINT WITH 3 COLOURS TO GET SOMETHING LIKE THE ABOVE. Then, I adjusted the levels of both skins seperately. IMAGE-ADJUSTMENTS-LEVELS and got this. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour9finalskinlevels.jpg[/img] STEP TEN I wasn't happy enough with the skin so I went to the layer with "colour" blend mode" of the male skin, and I used dodge and burn for better lighting. I did the same with the woman skin. This is the result so far. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour10dodgeandburnskin.jpg[/img] STEP ELEVEN Now, select the male eyes. It's better to use the masking tool, since the brush is round and it's easier to select the eyes with it. Then go to SELECT-INVERSE, so that it'll select the eye. Then choose EDIT-COPY (ctrl+c) Make a new layer and choose EDIT-PASTE (ctrl+v) This will paste the eyes on that new layer. Now you may colour it using Hue & Saturation tool. IMAGE-ADJUSTMENTS-HUE & SATURATION. As you may have already noticed, his eyes are light coloured, so choose a light colour. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour11eyeselection.jpg[/img] Do the same for the female eyes. STEP TWELVE Now, select the necklace on the woman. As you may notice, the middle part of the necklace has a different colour. So make sure you select them in seperate layers. Again colour them with Hue & Saturation. I think you have got the technique so far. No need for deeper explanation. Here's the necklace http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour12necklace.jpg[/img] STEP THIRTEEN The necklace was lacking shadows and light. So Use dodge and burn effectively. Here's the result after DODGE & BURN. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour13necklacedodgeandburn.jpg[/img] STEP FOURTEEN Now, I noticed that the dress (woman's dress) was lacking some shadows and light. I selected the dress, pasted it on a new layer, and used the levels tool for better contrast. Drag the black slider to the right and the light slider to the left. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour14dresslevels.jpg[/img] STEP FIFTEEN Then, I selected the female lips. Again, I used the same technique. I selected it with mask tool, INVERTED selection, pasted it on a new layer and added a reddish colour with Hue & Saturation tool. Here's the result. http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour15lips.jpg[/img] STEP SIXTEEN Do the same for both drinks with seperate layers, one for each drink and colour them with Hue & Saturation. tool. This is the Final result of the image http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm249/HBK47/Tutorials%20photoshop/colour16final.jpg[/img] Credits for sharing ~~> HBK
  9. Smthing is wrong with the pictureS ? :P
  10. This topic has been moved to Off-Topic. [iurl]http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=55264.0[/iurl]
  11. K4rMa


    Nomous ? Dn einai koinovoulio edw mesa.. Allo kanones allo nomoi.. K na s pw k kt... DN UPARXOUN KANONES GIA TO TEAM.. o maxtor dialegei pios menei pios feugei zitontas prwta tn apopsi apo to team.. Dn ka8orisame tpt oti an ftaseis to 3 karma 8a mpeis sto team h an voi8iseis 50 atoma sinolika mpeneis.. Em ta les ta pisteueis kiolas.. gelaei o kosmos umartoN.. Epeidi to topic einai anuparkto.. Locked.. (Mn anoikseis allo me parapona gt dn 8a eimai toso kalos oso edw :P )
  12. K4rMa


    Exete ksefugei etC > ? Ti s kanei na nomizeis oti to ka8e member p exei karma mpenei st team ? Pisteueis oti mporeis na antapokri8eis stis apaitiseis tou forum k na krineis swsta ta members ? An nai.. tote eisai gelasmenos.. to poli poli na mpeis k na antekseis 2 meres. Meta 8a kaneis ena la8os k 8a vgeis... Mono auto p eipes me to karma s arkei gia na katalavw tn xaraktira s... Mn nomizete oti oloi eiste gia to team k mn anarotieste pws mpenoun alloi... Oute o xronos sou metraei pou trws edw mesa oute poso voi8as ta member allos paragontas einai pou dn prokeite na ktalaveis.. Oi portes einai anoixtes k ta skulia demena.. Bye
  13. Exei ena dikio edw p ta leme... K kanonise e mn vgei kana leeching forum stn fora opous kanouN oi perisoteroi :P Gt 8a exeis k apotuxia k 8a xaseis k to donate aCCout s edw... locked.
  14. What about that ?! • Advertisements are not allowed. Any threads/posts of these types will be deleted. L0cked.
  15. Topic de-stickied!
  16. Oh my g0D ... Really it's the same !
  17. Ti allo 8a skeftoun gia na vgaloun FRAGKA... Mono auto..
  18. K4rMa

    Video for MxC

    locked no reason to stay unlocked... We had a youtube contest!
  19. user banned for spamming and bumping. LoCkeD >.>
  20. Dont reply to old topics damn! locked!
  21. @Awmaster is already banned! @ztar Go post this at exploits help section... or search the forum.. the servers are few... locked.
  22. Auto to topic exei ginei 8ema sizitiseis panw apo 8 fores! LOcKed k xrisimopoihse to search an s endiaferei na ta vreis ! locked.
  23. banned! To topic metakini8ike stn swsti katigoria !
  24. I dont know how is called at english xD Outlines ?! I think now is better :P
  25. Haha funny but put and some lines or something to make it look more realistiC... >.>
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