First of all, here are some possible uses for this cool little thing
1. Bind them with your virus's / trojans. You can use any messages remember.
2. To piss off your friends making them think you've messed there computer up.
3. Whatever you want really!
Step 1. Open Notepad
Step 2. Type the following text:
lol = msgbox("Text You Want Here",16,"Title Of Message Box Here")
Step 3. Create as many lines as you want, for example my outcome would be something like this:
lol = msgbox("A System32 error has occured, please contact microsoft immediately",16,"Fatal Error")
lol = msgbox("Mswinsox (C:\Windows) Will now be deleted",16,"Fatal Error")
lol = msgbox("(C:\Windows) is being deleted",16,"Fatal Error")
lol = msgbox("Your computer will reboot shortly",16,"Fatal Error")
lol = msgbox("If you still have a problem, then you are fucked",16,"Fatal Error")
lol = msgbox("owned you",16,"Fatal Error")
Step 4. Save it as Anything.vbs , distribute it amongst your friends and have a laugh.
Credits ~~> Magical_Toaster