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Everything posted by manolescu5

  1. bro send me that system msg is too many posts to see it ...
  2. 150=200 at big hours .. .online = fake
  3. respect for him he is doing 1 good job just some ddos at important momments when a new srv start but they always fix it fast
  4. Text:SuperManolica Size: u know that word bigger means better :D so any size u can if u can something about Lineage 2 sry if i didnt respected ur rules... or anything i hope u can make it
  5. 50 min
  6. 4 hours 28 min left
  7. hahah 200 on? yea gl there where u made mass pvp for 3 mobs
  8. new update today again 3 updates in just 2 days of beta NIK really dont sleep till he fix all buggs this l2world will be awesome
  9. yea over 9k check with 1 program that show real number lets say l2net =)) and then u can talk and l2world rullz nik made already 3 HUGE UPDATES IN 2 days of beta
  10. they just made a huge update today on beta nice changes so they can really fix this new pack and make it really good
  11. well i like the new website but forum hmm not soo much
  12. bfp is still alive cause world didnt started yet so wait till 31 when world starts and all people will move there like it was from l2silver to l2bfp. enjoy it before it ends
  13. still waiting for that screens how much time u need to upload to imageshack? 1 min/photo how many u have 2500? for every $ =)))
  14. that kid is a fucking loser who wants to scare players who want to join l2world maybe is friend with some lol admins from other servers . so ignore him
  15. i just advertised this server i;m not owner/admin just a player who like it
  16. Server Information: Dear players, after a short pause of L2World's development, we've decided to start again the legendary L2World. We've decided to start with a new server platform that is the most stable out there. The files that we are using are privetly developed by us to add our customs we had before. Official start of L2World x20: 31-3-2013 18:00 GTM+2 Server OBT will be announced on our website few days before start, probably 2-3 days. People who login in the first two days of L2World, will be rewarded with 24 hours premium accounts. Premium template will be: x2 EXP&SP, Drop: x1.4, Adena Drop: x1.75. These stats multiply the server rates. Server rates Exp: x20 SP: x20 Drop: x15 Spoil: x20 Adena: x20 Quest Drop: x4 Quest Reward: x4 Quest Exp/SP: x10 Quest Adena Reward: x10 RaidBoss Drop: x3 GrandBoss Drop: x1 Manor Drop: x4 Extract Fish: x8 Party Bonus rate: 1.10;1.20;1.30;1.40;1.50;1.60;2.20;2.40;2.60 Server Safe and Max Enchant Safe Enchant: +4 Maximum Enchant: +16 Main Features Fully working High Five features. Max Buff Amount: 30 (+4 Divine Inspiration) Dances & Songs: 20 Trigger Buffs: 12 Auto Loot: Enabled by default, you can chose on or off. Auto Loot from Raids: Disabled Drop Protection: Enabled Player Spawn Protection: 30 Seconds Weight Limit: x10 Max Subclasses: 3 Max Subclass Level: 85 Subclass Without Quest: Enabled Class Master: Enabled Auto Learn Skills Include FGS: Enabled Spoil & Drop from blue mobs: Enabled Two Weeks Olympiad : every 1st and 15th of the month there will be new heroes. The sieges are every 2 weeks and the TW not going to be in the same week that the siege but the next. GM Shop: Armors, Weapons and Jewels up to low S-Grade with cheap prizes. and many other new sections. Item Auction: Put your items for auction to be bid and bought by other players. Off-Shop Manager: Search items to buy/sell through the offline shops in every town via simple interface. Character Configuration: Manage the options of some of the server's custom features. Global Gatekeeper. NPC Buffer: PP,SE,EE,WH,WC,OL,BD,SWS (Without Kamael and cats). Vote system: Click on our Community board to open the window to check all the possible rewards. Class Master: 1st class transfer Cost: 50,000 Adena. 2nd class transfer Cost: 750,000 Adena. 3rd class transfer Cost: 5,000,000 Adena. and you will receive reward 1 GC Rank Manager. Olympiad Anti-feed Protection: You will be able to log on olympiad with just 1 IP Customizable clanhalls: All clanhalls got NPCs(such as Global GK, GM Shop, Buffer, etc.) Added another 31 custom clanhalls. Most of the features, can be used trough the Community Board, while you are in town or clanhall. Automatic Events Team vs Team Last Hero Gang vs Gang Capture The Flag Addictional Information Support Items for newcomers that started in our server. Mammons in every major town. Weekly passive events. Premium account system. Hellbound level set to 11. Available Voiced Commands .cfg: Various personal settings. .whoami: More information about your character. .getreward : you can use this command every 12 hours after you voted in all our banners. .online: Use this command to see how many online players. .offline: Use this command when you have private store/manufacture to go in offline mode .repair: Use this command with an other char of the same account,It will fix you crashed character instantly. .engage: (Wedding mod) Engages the targeted player. .divorce: (Wedding mod) You divorce with your partner, You will pay a tax for it. .gotolove: (Wedding mod) Teleports you to your couple. .report: command to report bots. .castle & .siege: Detailed information about siege date and castle owners. .password or .changepassword: Used to change password. .ping: show your ping to the server. .openatod: automaticly opens Ancient Tome of the Demon .combinetalismans: Combines all talismans from the same type, into 1 with the total duration. Server Machine: OS Linux: Ubuntu 11.10 x64 Filesystem: EXT4 Motherboard: Supermicro X8DTL-iF - Dual 1366-pin LGA Sockets - Intel 5500 (Tylersburg) Chipset - Intel ICH10R SATA 3.0Gbps Controller - RAID 0, 1, 10 support (Linux) - LAN - Intel 82574L Gigabit Ethernet 2x 1000Mbit + 1x 1000Mbit (Dedicated IPMI) CPU: 2x E5620 Quad Xeon 64bit @ 3Ghz, 12M Cache, 5.86 GT/s Intel QPI, Bus Speed 1333Mhz RAM: 48GB DDR3 ECC 1333MHz (3-channel) SSD - 2x Corsair Force Series 3 120GB SATA 3 6Gb/s SSD (RAID-1) Internet Speed - International: 400 Mbit DDoS Protection: Enabled Lameguard Protection: Enabled :dat:
  17. 13:00 gmt + 0 so in what gmt u need those INFO? if gmt + 2 just add + 2 hours so in gmt + 2 is 15 00 and so on
  18. easy for normal yes but gm had Foundation at donate and gcm was too cheap
  19. agree with you 100% thats why the best balance is too let all classes how NC soft made them
  20. server is already on from yesterday at 21:00 gmt + 2 take the new sistem https://rapidshare.com/#!download|966p9|3628720077|system.rar|21513|0|0 but still a failed server L2net still works .online is fake atm l2net says that online is 47 and .online says 200
  21. on what should i ++ my skils on my duelist x20 hi5 server element or pvp? i tested lvl 4 earth weapon S grade and skil + 12 earth i give dmg with triplesonic slash like 3000 and with skil + 12 on duel like 2400 or lower so if skils is at + 30 duel or element what is best choise?
  22. dude why u changed date.. i dont have any good server where to play cause l2world will fail for sure they already have 1000 changes flame icon / sos / etc at x2-3 time reusee archer more power more wl power nerf sumons nerf nerf fucking custom
  23. use skills on your element search for 1 augument pasive pvp duel might hmm vs dagers i use disarm and all 2 aoe skils never use tss cause of theyr super evasion i use tss only when they dont have ue / ghost walking etc hmm what else // i dont know maybe admin of that srv nerfed duelists
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