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  1. Chronicle ? I do have protection for Interlude or High Five chronicles at the moment, if u want to test it, just ask me
  2. the interlude link is offline, you still got this ??
  3. Sorry but we can't understand that crappy language you're using, looks like a mix of google translate and lack of intelligence, :alone: is really unreadable, i came here to make fun of it but i can't even understand to make jokes about it .. :troll:
  4. sorry but i won't waste my time w/ noobs. if u want, u can cry about this too :troll:
  5. i think that is something that NcSoft must have fixed it, but they will never do. Work on this from scratch without have any sources it's a shot in the dark, most part it's because with the new Operating Systems like Windows 8 e 8.1 if u try to edit something in the client, most specifically if u edit the system files, it will work on windows xp to windows 7 but won't work on windows 8.. I had some issues with that doing a protocol change for my antihack project, that makes me stop a lot of client-related projects ..
  6. If u're interested, i also have a Helbound project, but the project did not move for lack of interest of the members, no one has tested and / or reported anything for months, we call some developers but they also discouraged due to lack of movement of the project. It's based on L2JServer and we got some fixes and updates, isn't 100% but u can get something out of this source, I officially announce the closure of the project on 18 july 2014, but we stop working months before, those interested in the source release you access to SVN including the last commit (rev 195) .. https://www.assembla.com/code/l2jsecrets/subversion/nodes/195/trunk good luck with your project, i like that Kamael chronicles but we rarely see good and actual project, i hope that u project go ahead and make success, so we can play in private servers that will not be Interlude or High Five. regards, Wallz
  7. Are u sure that it run in a single one core ? What hardware u're using ?
  8. that kids got banned from l2jbrasil, so they came here to play a little as "JAVA *COPY* *PASTE* *RENAME* DEVELOPERS" and they create they own forum, which it's running nulled VBulletin in WAMP SERVER on a rented VPS.. :alone:
  9. you're trying to modificate which client ?
  10. same base that sigmo, but Bian made a lot of fixes, and it was converted to java 7, we no longer use that source sice 2013, we stop on 621 (this topic source it's 500) the more critical updates it's between 535 ~ 603, our svn stop on 630 but we never release that 630 because that source have a lot of critical issues and POG everywhere, once we finally had fixed something, another 2 ~ 3 erros appears. That's why we decided to stop working on that i think it was on october 2013... So we stop working on that and decided to do a downgrade on a H5 project to interlude and we start this year converting that to java8 and we fix almost all the quests before we finally release a stable pack for everybody use.. Here it's our quest list w/ almost all quests working, we still have 4 quests to finish, but we are upgrading mysql connection libs and functions to work better and faster.. Quest list: http://l2jdream.org/app/Quests.txt I think that L2JDream v2 will be publish for download in 1 or 2 months, because i'm about to travel to join a motocross race, and our headmaster dev Bian, it's travelling at work right now, he must came back to finish the updates on the final week of this month. so, our forum if u want to see it (pt_BR) http://l2jdream.org/forum/ Sorry about my english, i'm Brazilian and it was been months since last time i practice this language..
  11. You're "so good" that u tutorial can be resumed like this: "Rename all back to l2jdream and it will build successfully"... dãããããã Only thing i see on your project: it's our source renamed with a lot of mods added and not a single fix. I already said that, that source is old and full of bugs, if u can't go forward with you "**copy rename paste** Project", don't you even think about telling shit on internet. Behind u computer u can say everything u want, but how about you to prove that you can do it without pick another persons job, change name and description, do a little easy mod addons and call it YOU L2J Project w/ that sarcastic face. You can't even hear our tips about critical bugs to make it better without being such a pussy that cry about everything. I already said: You can do whatever u want with this old source but don't cry in public like a pussy talking about things that u don't know about us just because we don't give a shit about you. If u're a pussy you will cry about this too. But if u're a man, a least try to do what a real man do: Make it better!
  12. that source give a few pages of errors
  13. só faltaram as prints..
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