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Everything posted by iCoolStorm®

  1. Nai to kserw mlkia mou!:-P boreis na mu steileis link pu na psaksw gt dn katalqva.. K file epeidh kserw ot eis pl klos dev mhpws boreis n mu luseis mia aporia?
  2. I need better items sorry! Btw thanks for your offer!
  3. Hi maxcheaters. Can amyone give me on shop with black vesper weapons(with dual daggers)? I do not care about the chronicle. Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi all. I would like to buy items/char/glits on l2pride. Pm me if you have. Thanks in.advance
  5. Diavase prin postareis please. Thanks gia tin protash alla oxi.
  6. And why to do that?With doing this i wont be able to sell my char.LOL.Think before post.And now go spam somewhere else.Let my topic clean.
  7. Char is sold to player:dalki (hand 2 hand) Fast and clear!thanks for trade!one mod if its possible lock the topic!:)
  8. Hi Guyz! I would like to announce that i sell 1 char to l2pride(nothing special just much pvp's and a good gear bishop.that means that you can have drop easily and get geared) Infos: Bishop lvl 94 and Dagger lvl 92 Full books(+books for more buffs and protections) Dyn robe armor set +20 lvl 6 and celestial +17 lvl7(means flame armor) Char has 8389 pvp's(purple name and grey tittle) Dyn rings +20-+18 Many dyn weapons +20-25 at warehouse. I cannot tell char name but you I can show you the char via photos or via teamviwer!(I do not give first account info but if the member who wants the account has trade count + and is vip or something like this i will give first) I accept only PaySafeCard(need it for League of Legends) Pm me or leave a post with your offer!(we can talk about price) I accept and league of legends accounts lvl 30!(west side only)
  9. You haven't post the website of server!
  10. Ekanes rr ton server?otan to allakcec?
  11. Ta ports einai anoixta?firewall kleisto?
  12. Seem's nice i will test it right now.. Downloading!
  13. Call Of Duty Black Ops Zombies(solo),League Of Legends,Lineage 2!;)
  14. Kapiws tropos tha uparxei arkei na exeis upomonh kai na to psakseis.
  15. Hthela na to kanw ki gw auto file alla den mou petuxe gia ton idio akrivws logo!Nomizw oti auto pou eipe kai o Dask einai to swsto alla an den sou pianei pistevw pws den sou menei na kaneis kati..:/ (kai egw den to eixa prospathisei parapanw)!
  16. kantou ban account!(ama kcanakanei kcanakantu!)
  17. File mou exeis dikio alla elaxistoi diavazoun kanones...
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