Geia sas paidia.
Ena filos mou endiaferete na anikcei enan PvP Server kai xriazete pack.Apo oti mou exoun pei kai exw dei kai egw to kalutero pack gia PvP server einai to l2j frozen!
Mhpws borei kapios na mou cteilei ena link?
Thanks prokatavolika ;)
Server is a big fail.1 Hour farm to get the items and full enchanted.No attidubes,no clan shop for clan skills,5 online players max.No pvp zone.Best char is one with 5 pvp's and 3 pk's.+100% unbalanced.Fighters have 1k more p.def and m.def!!!!!!!!!from mages..think before join.
You are not right man.I won't argue with you but don't tell things that you don't have proofs because then i won't be able to buy or sell things on this forum site..I am not scammer but as i said i have been scammed 2 times and it's not a story!If you want believe it or if you want don't believe's the truth.