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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. really nice use of c4ds, and cool render i like the text tho I believe people will start comentin about it
  2. credits? http://www.dota-utilities.com/2008/12/mortred-phantom-assasin-dota-hero.html
  3. For those who want to experience the game as it is ( like a normal role playing game ) I suggest not using anything at all :D IF you want a fast way to 80, just enter a camp of your faction, get all the quests there and then use the normal Q helper to finish them. If you wanna rush to 80 fast without even reading your quests, get a guide like Zygor's or Dulgi's.
  4. 7 years old, pokemon, i cloned a pokemon ( cant even remember the exact process )
  5. And I told you not to post this pic :( I hated this guitar, the bridge was wasted, so I was adviced to get rid of it... And that was my personal way :( Nice one vazelos ;p
  6. egw mia fora phga prin 5-6 xronia ki apogohtefthka. Arxidia, me gamhsane sta 5lepta oi tsifouthdes. oute 5 eurw dn mazepsame.
  7. Oxi sto diko mas pantws Ase pou ta grapta einai palouki (sth deutera) , toulaxiston ta dika mas. Kateu8ynsh fysikh phra 18.6 kai htan o kalyteros sthn ta3h, me meso oro 14 , kai to tmhma mas einai to kalytero apo ola ths 8etikhs :P
  8. egw sto gymnasio 19.5 dn epesa, siga mwre to 8ema katse na pas lykeio na deis thn glyka
  9. emeis pairnoume flevarh. wraios pantws ;p Syndiases L2 kai school kai dn kophkes ;p
  10. dn einai o ventic anagnwrismeno member o.O?
  11. cambridge/edexcel eftasa mexri lower, michigan eftasa profficiency galliaka mexri b2 kai meta vare8hka kai stamathsa ;p
  12. It's amazing mate, I just don't like the weird border over the render and right part of the siggy 8/10 for me
  13. You know you are my favorite mate but this one ain't your best But it's really cool even if you messed up a bit If you have some time to spend, you can create a masterpiece out of a simple ret dot Keep siggin!
  14. well I don't believe he wanted to be pro I believe he did it for the lulz
  15. Mhn akouw malakies gia to emvolio. Pistevete oti vgainei kai leei o ka8e malakas sthn thleorash. Katarxas to emvolio DEN periexei ton IO ths griphs. Periexei kati mikra e3ogomata pou yparxoun sthn epifaneia tou , pou omws einai arketa gia na dwsoun ston organismo to ere8isma pou xreiazetai gia na ftia3ei antiswmata Oi pi8anothtes na pe8anei enas neos, efhvos, pou dn exei problhma ygeias einai poly liges. Alla gia tous hlikiwmenous, tous paxysarkous, to emvolio einai MUST. Kai mhn akoute tis malakies pou lene oti einai to3iko epeidh exei Hg mesa, Skata, ola ta emvolia thn idia posothta Hg exoune. (oti lew dn to lew apo malakies, olo mou to soi giatrous exei kai malista swstous kai sovarous, oxi san tous malakes pou ka8este ki akoute)
  16. Genikotera 8a sthn spaei mexri na pareis premium opote psise ton patera sou na sou dwsei 8 eurw na pareis ena o dikos mou to agorase monos tou kai mou to dwse xd
  17. when I came here maxcheaters was called maxbastards and I didn't want them to call me a Maxbastard so I said i'm NotAbastard
  18. Etsi ypo8etw Twra o typos paizei na nai kai toso xazos pou na tou vgazei diaforetiko question ka8e fora kai na mhn to katalavainei.
  19. Gia grapse ki auto 3.1415926535 an einai ki auto la8os tote gamato , trexa vres allo forum, ti na pw
  20. Write down pi number in 10 decimals : Γραψε τον αρι8μο π σε δεκα ψηφια grapse auto pou sou pa pio panw (auto to megalo), swsto einai kai diavazoume kai ligo, eleos, mono esy kai o skylos mou dn 3erete ti einai o ari8mos π
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