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Everything posted by Dante44®

  1. L][Mythic kai den ime kalaaa lemeee http://l2mythic.listen2myradio.com/
  2. Gnorizei kaneis kanena site p na katevazeis ellinika cd tragoudia klp?thimame ipirxe ena kapote alla ta klinane to ena meta to allo!!!
  3. # Database user info (default is "root" but it's not recommended) Login = XXXX # Database connection password Password = XXXX des edo kai GS
  4. Epanw s otan tis foras fenonte?SysTextures klp perases??alla ti leo malakia efoson den vlepeis ikonidio pos tha tis foreseis..Ta sysTextures des kai des sto armorgroup an ta systextures ine idia me auta p exei valli
  5. Checkare an perases Swsta Itemname.e-dat Armorgroup Gia pio client?
  6. miso giati den katalavaino οταν ανοιγα τν σερβερ μ δν μπορουσα να κανω λογ ιν..... Den mporeis na kaneis log in ston Server dld sto game i sto machine??? ipes exeis no-ip stin ip p exei to machine ine sindemenoi kai alloi server? kai kati akoma checare prwta stis Consoles an O GS sindeete me ton LS kai deuteron des auto # Default: True AutoCreateAccounts = True
  7. Junk post http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=279231.new#new
  8. Katevase to Notepad++ kai anoikse to arxio me auto epita vres p exeis valei to py se pia diadromi tou fakelou mesa sta scripts kai analoga valto kai sto scripts ini dld custom/npcbuffer3233/__init__.py i quest/npcbuffer342423/__init__.py to notepad katevase to apo edw http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.4.3.html
  9. anoikses ports ston dedi??Mporeis na gineis ligo pio sigekrimenos ti akrivos provlima exeis p exeis kollisei klp??Den mporw na katalavo ti prospatheis na peis!!
  10. wraia tote /quest/(onoma tou fakelou p evales to script tou buffer)/__init__.py
  11. game/data/scripts.ini kai anoikse to me Notepad psakse meta gia to eksis custom /custom/(onoma tou fakelou p evales to script tou buffer)/__init__.py ton buffer ston evales sto game/data/scripts/custom etsi??
  12. ise se lathos section :D Ta exeis perasei ola? sql? html?script?to script.ini to exeis kanei edit na exei tin swsti diadromi to ny?
  13. LOOOL...giati den kathese na diavaseis kai na asxolitheis ligo kai monos sou??Aparadekti??Signomi pliroses kanenan kai s efage lefta?? :not bad:
  14. Weapon ine ipes e?Ta weapongroup den ta ekanes add??
  15. Pare ena tixaio mob opio theleis kai apla allakse to teamplete id tou custom mob me to id toy bauium
  16. scripts.ini vale ekei mesa tin swsti diadromi tou .py
  17. Enoeis dld tin posi diafora lvl prepei na exoun metaksi tous gia na mporoune na mirazonte to xp sto party???
  18. Sou petakei kapio error to client???Giati ixa kai ego to idio provlima!!!
  19. Ok Problem Solved Can u Share also The Other armors also for H5 plz???
  20. Hello i download that weapons and as i see the weapongroups dont work for H5 can anyone tell me what to do to make it works and save the fille with file edit??
  21. Trusted Just make one exchange,Really cumunicate guy Thank u again for ur Services!!!
  22. In What client u add it cause in H5 cant add it i try with 3 different File Editors and i cant save the file weapongroup.dat and when i add only the itemname.dat i get error when i try to run the client ======== Open & Decode {20/7/2013 - 3:38:09 μμ} ======== - | Copying file: C: \ Users \ Dante \ Desktop \ missing sql \ weapongrp.dat | Copying file: C: \ Users \ Dante \ Downloads \ File Edit CT2.6 By Vector \ File Edit CT2.6 By Sovan \ data \ l2asm-disasm \ DAT_defs \ ct2_5 \ weapongrp.ddf | Decode file: weapongrp.dat | | -> L2encdec.exe | | | | C: \ Users \ Dante \ Downloads \ File Edit CT2.6 By Vector \ File Edit CT2.6 By Sovan \ temp> "c: \ users \ dante \ downloads \ file edit ct2.6 by vector \ file edit ct2 .6 by sovan \ data \ l2encdec \ l2encdec.exe "-s weapongrp.dat dec-weapongrp.dat | | | | | | Input file: "weapongrp.dat" | | Output file (given or generated): "dec-weapongrp.dat" | | | | Header: "Lineage2Ver413" | | Action chosen: decode | | Outer stream size: 248960 | | RSA pair # 0 chosen (meaningful for 41x only). | | | | RSA dec call. | | Packs: 1945 | | At 0/1945 .... | | At 256/1945 .... | | At 512/1945 .... | | At 768/1945 .... | | At 1024/1945 .... | | At 1280/1945 .... | | At 1536/1945 .... | | At 1792/1945 .... | | RSA dec call completed. | | | -> -------------------- | Create File: weapongrp.txt | | -> L2disasm.exe | | | | C: \ Users \ Dante \ Downloads \ File Edit CT2.6 By Vector \ File Edit CT2.6 By Sovan \ temp> "c: \ users \ dante \ downloads \ file edit ct2.6 by vector \ file edit ct2 .6 by sovan \ data \ l2asm-disasm \ l2disasm.exe "-d weapongrp.ddf-e weapongrp-new.ddf dec-weapongrp.dat weapongrp.txt | | | | L2 disasm 1.4.0 by M.Soltys (aka DStuff). | | | | Record reg soft: 4 | | Record M / T [123] soft: 0/0 | | Record MAT [2] soft: 0 | | Record ASCF len: 0 | | Record UNI len: 63 | | | | Textconv summary: | | | | UNK convs. (Legacy only): 0 | | UNI convs. (Legacy only): 0 | | NONR convs. 0 | | | -> -------------------- | Open a file: weapongrp.txt =========================================== | - ======= Save & Encode {20/7/2013 - 3:38:31 μμ} ======= - | Save File: weapongrp.txt | Create File: decweapongrp.dat | - Could not create file: dec-weapongrp.dat
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