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Everything posted by Dante44®

  1. Sto char.ini exei mia epilogi Store Buffs After RR kanto True oso gia to zaken den ime sigouros alla douleuei me ta keria?i anoigei i porta kathe mera stis 12 i se opia wra to exei rithmisei esi kai pas kai polemas zaken?
  2. Den mporo na anoikso tin foto sou alla pane ligo sta items analoga se ti Client ise px as poume pas sto weapons.sql/items.sql i analoga sto data/stas/items kai vres to type tou weapon p exeis lathos an ine sword valto sword an ine bow valto px <set name="weapon_type" val="bow" /> <set name="bodypart" val="lrhand" /> weapon type to type p ine kai to bodypart se pio heri na to krataei deksi aristero
  3. That is Dev Help he make it on shares http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/171053-help-please/?do=findComment&comment=2284997 http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/171005-looking-for-sponsor-interlude100x-midpvp-mixedl2j/?do=findComment&comment=2284605
  4. QQ after Ban??ok its ok thank u for the Free Bump to my post :) As i say to u also when u log in 1 minute pass when server RR P.S also u need to know something...With kids like u i hear all the time many things do tha do that do that,That is not good u must make it otherwise...and etc... Ur only one random guy who come to Teach to all admins things and etc Go make ur own server to see also what u can do.... kisses :) :-*
  5. Not too many as i want i would prefer more peoples Stones 40 Crystals 30 Max Element 7 lvl
  6. Thank u we just need More ppls to join to be all ok :)
  7. oupsss Busteed http://godlikes.eu/index.php?topic=17.0
  8. Kamaloka Instance is now Reconfigured Now dont remove buffs Players now can farm easy the kamaloka for those players who cant kill Mini Rb's
  9. Update Solo Farm High DropList Change Now People can Spoil the Mobs in this Area to Gain GC's and S84 Weapons
  10. Npc For Exchange FA for Fame And Clan Reputation Points added Now PvP armor and Weapon is Easier to get!!! P.S all the NpC's Located in Main Town(Giran) Achievment Manager Vote Shop Points Manager GM Shop Castle Informer Grand RaidBoss Informer Nobless Npc Bug Reporter NpC Service Manager Npc Scheme Buffer and GK located in Every Town Casino Manager Augument Manager All the NPC's IS AUTOMATED not crap Htmls....
  11. /care for randoms what they say UPDATED Prices In Gm Shop lowered Now the Farm is Easier Also PvP Shop Added....
  12. Gia na katafereis na mpei ston Valakas Prwton prepei na valeis to Teleport ekso apo to Npc p ine sto Wall of Flames ekei pera dineis to Quest item gia ton Antharas Den thimame akrivos to ID ine quest item pantos to dineis se auton akoutheis tin diadromi millas stin kardia ekei kai mpeneis mesa Mporeis apla na valeis to Quest Item sto Gm Shop den xriazete na kaneis olo to quest To location tou teleport sou omws ine lathos den tha mpeis pote etsi Prepei na milliseis sto Npc p s ipa
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