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Everything posted by Dante44®

  1. Pion K.O.K re si edo o allos petaxtike kai tou ekopse ton dromo
  2. Aeroplano leei :D Mou ponese i kardia me to pou to ida Kai ego nomiza pos itane Gomena alla itane aristero timono :D opws kai na exei den eftaige krima omos :D
  3. The Name of the Npc Cannot fixed change radius everything but the name of the Npc and the title remain in the position of Center of body of the mob Any sollution>?
  4. Just Amazing Share Really Nice Works. Dont Test Them Thanks In Advance :)
  5. First of all make lower the ID'S
  6. Skiathos kai Paros Gamaei... i Krhth kai i santorini ine na pas me to amore :D
  7. esi ise polliiii mprostaaaa Paros re ti mikonos :P
  8. Thanks for files but really dont have clue what to do with that filles sorry :(
  9. So as u say i must edit Editor.u with hex editor and copy paste my data correct? Edit Edit What and where???Be more specific plz
  10. After many tests in original data weapongroup i figure out after i erase all the LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t00 LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t01 LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_wp and LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t00 LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t01 i left only LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_dr On ORIGINAL ID DATA i see only the orb animation make cycles etc etc when i try to add only the LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_dr on my custom weapon i cant see nothing Why this Happend whats going on?
  11. Hello i make some weapons and first time i see that problem and i dont know what i make wrong or what is the problem first of all i take the Data of Weapongroup.dat of sacredium and of Contristo Hammer I copy the data exactly the same here is the data original 0 15551 3 1 15 5 0 LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_dr LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t00 LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t01 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 icon.weapon_sacredumors_i00 -1 1080 13 1 0 0 1 27 1 1 LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_wp 2 2 LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t00 LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t01 4 ItemSound.spear_5 ItemSound.staff_2 ItemSound.spear_6 ItemSound.spear_9 ItemSound.itemdrop_staff ItemSound.itemequip_staff 20 350 256 2 7 4 4 0 0 0 379 0 1 1 1000 0 -1 0 LineageEffect.c_u005 -14.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.69999999 0.30000001 LineageWeapons.rangesample 0.80000001 0.80000001 0.80000001 17.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 and here is the data who i make the only think who i change is the ID only for example 15551 0 30022 3 1 15 5 0 LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_dr LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t00 LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t01 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 icon.weapon_sacredumors_i01 -1 1080 13 1 0 0 1 27 1 1 LineageWeapons.Sacredumors_m00_wp 2 2 LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t00 LineageWeaponsTex.Sacredumors_t01 4 ItemSound.spear_5 ItemSound.staff_2 ItemSound.spear_6 ItemSound.spear_9 ItemSound.itemdrop_staff ItemSound.itemequip_staff 20 350 256 2 7 4 4 0 0 0 379 0 1 1 1000 0 -1 0 LineageEffect.c_u005 -14.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.69999999 0.30000001 LineageWeapons.rangesample 0.80000001 0.80000001 0.80000001 17.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 and here is what problem i have The originals Weapons ante here is the Weapons with change ID only As i notice the Animation Textures dont diplay i mean the Rotation Animations I dont touch nothing only the ID'S of Weapons on WeaponGroup.dat Can anyone tell me why this happen and help me for a solution with that? First time i see that :D
  12. Check if ur ID is Correct i mean check if u dont have the same ID twice alsoo Check ur id to be lower than 65536
  13. Why dont u make it much easier??Just C/P Apellas Itemname and ArmorGroup data change the ID's.I mean create New Items but with same textures and after that on data/stats/items add The new ID's But with Elegia Stats ;) Also add the New armors on armorsets...
  14. Ti einai auto pou m dixneis?
  15. Psaxno ton spyrako opos oloi kserete Mpaglama ama ise edo stile ena minima
  16. Kala re 2 idia post gia tin idia gamo erwtisi??? Mathe ligo tous kanones kai mathe na perimeneis... Efoson den plironeis gia mia apantisi kai kaneis den zitise auto allwste Tha prepei na perimeneis gia na tin pareis ti viazese dld????
  17. Akrivos Auto oti plironeis perneis des an mporeis na pareis apo OVH
  18. Ektos apo ekei pou anevases ta connecttion prepei na anevaseis kai ta connection sto mysql pigaine stis rithmiseis tou mysql kai anevase tin timi auti # The maximum amount of concurrent sessions the MySQL server will # allow. One of these connections will be reserved for a user with # SUPER privileges to allow the administrator to login even if the # connection limit has been reached. max_connections=3000 P.S Kanonika se orismena atoma perpei na stamatisoun na dinonte plirofories voithies dioti to paizoune dev se servers tous dinoune Lefta gia ola auto kai stin ousia kseroune tin tifla tous alla telos panton elpizo na min simvainei kai edo kati tetio
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