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Everything posted by Draagoon

  1. nice share. i am going to try it as soon as possible
  2. OMFG! this is the best gk i have ever seen :P btw nice share :D
  3. downloading it. i hope it is good :D
  4. very good guide keep the good work
  5. very good share
  6. well, nice one, but it would be better if you had svn and timeline
  7. nice report system, i will definitely use it.
  8. nice one :)
  9. change that : java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx512m com.l2jfree.gameserver.GameServer to: java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx300m com.l2jfree.gameserver.GameServer and try to login
  10. click on the gameserver.bat and then left click--> edit. copy it all and post it.
  11. hey try to decrease the memory that the server uses. edit---> gameserver.bat there should be something like that: java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx512m change the "512" to "300" or something less that "512" (but not something like 511). in your gameserver it might not be 512
  12. you have to change the "InternalHostname=" to your lan ip. you have router and your don't get the internet from but from your lan ip.
  13. well this is not greek. have you made any modifications when you installed the pack, exept from the configs?
  14. no it is the memory try to login from another pc to your server. gracia uses more ram than hellbound
  15. you have to change the "InternalHostname=" in the login and gameserver properties to your lan ip if you have router or to freakin.no-ip.biz if you have modem
  16. you don't have enough RAM. the server is running from your pc right? you try to login from that pc?
  17. Re Pedia Pio Bs....Ti einai auto grapseto olo...egw pao stin giran ston blacksmith marketeer kai exi ena book divine ...pira alla tpt den feugoun ta skills apo mpara..
  18. great share. very nice. keep it up.
  19. well i didn't want to edit the zones, i just wanted to ask you why you have added the file zone.
  20. Th3On3 nice work. I think this will help some people who want to make a gve server but they do not know how to start. However this needs more corrections and modifications but it is ok. i haven't tested it yet. p.s. i want to ask something, why you have added ''zones". what you have changed there?
  21. nice one keep it update p.s. you have two times this: - Hero Shine on PvP kills
  22. FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7140 (Annex A) p.s. i think that the only port that sometimes they do not allow to open is 80, because they use it.
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