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Everything posted by Draagoon

  1. mpori kaneis na to pi sta elinika to Control Panel ~> advanced system settings ~> environment variables ~> New... gt den mporo na to vro :(
  2. nai pes se poio einai ??? parola auta oreo share :)
  3. I set the server correctly it opnes and then i log in. After that i make char and hit mod to take lvl but the mods when they hit me they hit me on cp and not on hp help pliz asap
  4. When i try to compile (oneo rev) with eclipse i have an error. I try to compile Datapack i compile it but when i try to compile GS_LS_INT i have an error it says: Buildfile: C:\Documents and Settings\Dragon\workspace\Interlude\GS_LS_INT\build.xml clean: [delete] Deleting directory C:\Documents and Settings\Dragon\workspace\Interlude\GS_LS_INT\build init: [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Dragon\workspace\Interlude\GS_LS_INT\build [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Dragon\workspace\Interlude\GS_LS_INT\build\classes [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Dragon\workspace\Interlude\GS_LS_INT\build\dist [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Dragon\workspace\Interlude\GS_LS_INT\build\dist\Oneo_login [mkdir] Created dir: C:\Documents and Settings\Dragon\workspace\Interlude\GS_LS_INT\build\dist\Oneo_gameserver version: [exec] Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "svnversion": CreateProcess error=2, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?compile: [javac] Compiling 1157 source files to C:\Documents and Settings\Dragon\workspace\Interlude\GS_LS_INT\build\classes BUILD FAILED C:\Documents and Settings\Dragon\workspace\Interlude\GS_LS_INT\build.xml:67: Unable to find a javac compiler; com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath. Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK Total time: 2 seconds What to do? help me pliz :(
  5. ok i put ty for suggesting me ;)
  6. if you read carefully the first post you wll see that it says 4 hours buffs and 8 hours songs and dances
  7. bb agahnim an kai den se ksero ka8olou sou leo mono auto "Gl se oti kai na kaneis"
  8. Download the files and put them in the folder skills (gameserver==>data==>stats==>skills). Then your buff will be for 4 hours and songs and dances will be 8 hours ;) http://www.4shared.com/file/17311512/aa611298/4-9_HOURS_BUFFS__SKILLS_ONLY_.html P.S. The skills have also chants :) Revision 564 (Oneo pack)
  9. i think you can change almost eveerything from navicat. Nice guide
  10. nice nice nice ;)
  11. he might don't know or he thinks it's boring or he is noob
  12. Guy unfortunatly the team will broke :(
  13. x0aax00axax0 very noob server i don't think this answers my question :/ no it doesn't
  14. Astalabista find the solution and i amde it the oneo pack. I took its buffer and i fixed her. http://www.4shared.com/file/17058427/fef84407/Draagoons_Buffer.html
  15. xa0x0a0xa0ax0xa0a0x0ax0xa0ax0xa00ax nice pic
  16. x0aax00axax0 very noob server
  17. einai kanis noob sto forum????????????
  18. sostos
  19. solution you did lost 3 packs but you can find then L2MxB Dev Team P.S. I edit the the url ;).
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