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Everything posted by zourass

  1. Hallo to Everyone
  2. Φυσικά και θα πούμε Οχι σε τέτοιου είδους εκμετάλλευση Η Ελλάδα έχει γράψει την ιστορία της με όχι
  3. Hallo guys iam back Name :JohnD Age -24 sky- shadesofeye Country - Gr,Cy,Ru.Ja
  4. nai dikio exeis alla to thema einai oti polloi dn 3eroun agglika opos eipa kai pio panw twra an to vriskete pws dn tha voithiei kante to lock no prob apla n voithisw ithela
  5. Kalo ta3idi aiwnia sou i mnimi Megale xirourge
  6. http://tsekouratoi.blogspot.com/2012/04/blog-post_9712.html
  7. opos eipa kai pio panw egw twra mathenw prin postareis diavase ligo
  8. i installed but again nothing changed:/
  9. mate now i have big problem i cant compile :/
  10. already done
  11. uild.xml:143: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "svn": CreateProcess error=2, ??? ????? ?????? ? ?????? ??? ???????????? ??????? ??? ?? ??????? guys please help me i tryed lots of things but still have the same error
  12. try l2tower:P
  13. alithos o kurios kalhmera dipla sti fotia m to laptop poly wrea mera gia ligo psito :P
  14. Xristos anesti se ollous paidia kalo pasxa
  15. i already saw that but still same problem zoey adviced me to add sub1.8 but still nothing http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=25218
  16. Exw prob paidia exw kanei kai post BUILD FAILED C:\workspace\L2J_Server\build.xml:143: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "svn": CreateProcess error=2, ??? ????? ?????? ? ?????? ??? ???????????? ??????? ??? ?? ??????? dn kanei build :"/
  17. No costum 100% bleesed
  18. Paidia an ksereis kapios as voithisei prin 2 meroules ekana mia xara build twra omos dn mporw
  19. Padws euxaristw poly flash gia tn voitheia an vrw lisi tha sou apadisw:D
  20. Etsi omos tha xasw file mou auta pou idi exw alla3ei
  21. to idio pali ekana install to sliksvn alla pali to idio
  22. oxi prin dn to eixa to kanw install? xreaiazete tpt allo?
  23. to exw kanei to mono problima file einai to datapack to l2jserver kanei kanonika build to datapack me katastrefi.:P
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