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About ahmetozgur

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  1. Dupe or other sh1ts not working right? If they are i don't event think to download patch.
  2. I feel like a retard because i didn'T get it actually.. Because u use N01 n0 etc. wtf which char is it my mind blown xD
  3. This is the worst server i ever played. Dude i am asking srsly u never tried star classes before opening the server? At least u should check archer btw. Elf archer can kill even baiıum with heal itself. What an attackspeed wtf this crt dmg all hits crt . Mages are not to op but i cant even say there is a bit of balance.2 Sorcerer cant kill 1 archer but 1 necro can kill 2 archer. I saw thousands of custom server. But what the f.. srsly? Archer hp is more than dwarf hp ? Are u f. head mate?
  4. That explains why new l2j servers are sucks :D
  5. thanks for great sharing
  6. mundo rocks other ones .*.*.
  7. im 55 archer what u think ?
  8. :) Since 2007 i didnt still get bored xd
  9. i tried that and my ps3 boomed. Dont try this scam stuffs
  10. how can i learn my firmware?
  11. this are great. i think you are the limit of this job ! Thanks bro
  12. this game is awesome
  13. I know why this happening but like upside guy said: nobody share this =)
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