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Everything posted by Slayer®™

  1. Παοκ μεχρι το κοκαλο!
  2. His ultimate makes him unkillable for 6 seconds.So,he is OP right?. . .lol
  3. Hahahahaha.And how do you do that?:D
  4. He is pretty good if you know how to play him.It's obvious that you can't play him,that's the reason you call him useless.And hell yeah he is "stronk"!
  5. hahahaha right!troll or feeder.
  6. Maybe you 're right,or maybe not.If your every teammate has 0/2-3 it's extremely difficult to carry,for me.It happend a lot of times to me.
  7. It's "Thornmail" and it's really overrated!No need to nerf it!
  8. Useless????Are you -beep-ing serious?
  9. The second one is by far better than the first,still nice try though!:) We're looking forward for the next remix.
  10. Gratz lol!I love playing as morde,I hate playing against him though!:P
  11. "Carrying" your team well isn't enough,you should have a good team as well. Thanks to every Feeder/Leaver/Troll/Raging Kid that my elo is at 700.
  12. Indeed..I am -beep-ing sick of leavers/rage quiters,bb solo ranked games.
  13. hahahahah this one sounds great!
  14. What about Hyper-Cam?or Psomas,already helped you out?:-P
  15. I lost two game as well.The first one because of a Ad Carry Mf who had 7/13 and left because everyone called her noob.The ssecond was even more interesting,three guys from Turkey didn't ever listen to us they've never never communicated with us,they just go at 2-3vs5 and always focused the tank...Only sona was talking/cursing (orospu etc).I will never play solo ranked again!
  16. I signed as well,but what can this site actually do against ACTA?I don't believe that it will benefit someone.The best thing we can do is to protest against it,express our disagreement by demonstrating and not just sit in front of a PC screen.
  17. What song genres are you planning to put on the radio?
  18. They aren't human beings,they're Russians!And -beep-ing love AD Kennen:-P
  19. Moscow 5 lost??:-(
  20. Αναλογος,κοιτα αν ειναι 1 Active - 1 Passive τοτε ενας donator με full active θα τους -beep-αει ολους. Αν ειναι Stuck Actives τοτε και donator να μην εισαι μπορεις να βιασεις.
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