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Everything posted by Slayer®™

  1. I started with teemo,i didnt like melee's then,but now i do! I dont actually remember my score but it was a victory.. Why did so many ppl start with trist?:-P
  2. E nai x1000 einai, 88% enchant success rate, 100% with blessed scrolls.. Easy farm(it took me almost two hours to buy full items and about an hour for the scrolls. Safe weap +4 max +18,armor and jewellery max +16 Augment stuck skills ,no customs.. An arxisei kapios mporw na boithisw,an k opws fenete dn einai dyskolo to farm!
  3. αρκετοι αρχησαν L2 Samael..τσεκαρεεδω!
  4. Just added! BTW nice signature!we <3 slipknot :)
  5. vote for it then,and dont forget to show me the song yo like the best from this band!:-)
  6. λιωνο!χαχαχαχαχαχαχα:-D
  7. βλεπω ποιος ειναι ο ακυρος:-) οπως θες τον κανεις αγορινα αρκει να εχεις φαντασια και την ικανοτητα!
  8. is it a rock band?thats the first time that i hear this band,nevertheless i ll add it ! And dont forget to show me your fav song of the band you have chosen!
  9. ranked? I am planning to stop playing ranked games because the chances to have a troll/feeder/raging kid in your team are extremely high..And troll/feeder/kiddo equals with a lose..and i havent win in ranked since november of 2011..pathetic!
  10. so -beeping- right!That's one of the hundreds reasons i always tank for 'em!
  11. added,please vote :)
  12. yeah..there s no need any skill to rape B grade chars/Bots..
  13. Hi guys!I am a really addicted to rock/metal and everything that has a connection with*guitar*!So I decided to make a poll and choose your fav rock or metal band.In addition I would like you to show me your favorite song of your fav band :) You can also tell me to add another band if you like to.And...
  14. hahahahaha epic! i hate trolls and raging kids!
  15. hahahaha epic!:D I came from the rural area.There was a beautiful chick named Leona and I know she would be mine sooner or later.However,the fact she joined the fields of justice really pissed me off! xD
  16. ofc it is..you can make your weapon even +50 and it will change color,but it wont affect your stats
  17. lol,donators isnt a reason to be dissapointed,they just get champions or skins(or additional rune pages)which doesnt affect your gameplay.They are just really convient (talking about runepages).
  18. σύμφωνο απολυτα με τν φιλο απο πανω!ελπιζω να "λέει" το σερβερ σου και μην ειναι σπαταλη χρονου..
  19. why dont you join west then'?
  20. gratz!my highest elo was 1400 but at solo queue and then 4 games lost in a row because of the feeders....-.-You rarely find good teams at ranked solo's...
  21. you aren't the only one who always have an "epic" team!
  22. x50 freya!Να το δω και να μην το πιστευω,κανε ομως,μην εισαι μονο λογια..
  23. Αν εισαι τοσο καλος στην ορθογραφια οσο και στο να φτιαχνεις σερβερ..αστο καλυτερα!:Ρ
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