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mg13gr last won the day on March 21 2014

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About mg13gr

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  1. Θέλω την παλιά μου γειτονιά... Χαιρετισμούς σε όποιον το δει σε κανά 5μηνο από τώρα. KEKW
  2. Trusted guy, have dealt with him tons of times! Huge vouch!
  3. mg13gr

    forum is bad

    For a moment I thought I was on a 5 years old thread, then I realised that 5 years later same stuff goes on around here. Amazing. :P
  4. Selling this bae. Knife is FN and its value at the time being on the market is about $500. BTC only, won't go first. :)
  5. yo χρόνια πολλά, καλή χρονιά
  6. Μπουστοδιάλο
  7. Selling this account. For more info pm me or add me on skype.
  8. Trusted service, have worked with him before.
  9. Hey. I used to have a service in the past, with great success, selling Riot Points for cheaper than retail. 100% safe and legal. I know MaxCheaters's market is pretty much dead, but yeah, it worth a question to see if there are any potential customers. The prices won't be like 50% cheaper obviously.. As I already explained it's something 100% legit and won't put your accounts on risk. However, you can always buy RP on a bot account and gift to your main, to be even safer if that makes you feel so. The prices will be something like: 1580 RP Retail: 10€ Me: 8.60€ 4100 RP Retail: 25€ Me: 22€ 5725 RP Retail: 35€ Me: 30€ 8250 RP Retail: 50€ Me: 42.50€
  10. Platinum 4, really good mmr, about 30 champs owned, 2 rune pages, about 10 skins. For more info let me know. Proofs Champs: http://prntscr.com/791ucc Division: http://prntscr.com/791up4 RP/IP: http://prntscr.com/791ux1 Win Ratio/Stats: http://prntscr.com/791v4f Skins: http://prntscr.com/791xge I'll keep playing and probably climb further, contact me to make sure. Negotiable price, feel free to pm me.
  11. Selling any items you want, high ++ on L2 Tales. More information via pms.
  12. Make sure you've added me using the add button i've on my signature.
  13. Got verified so it can be restored later. k
  14. που'σαι σκύλε. Εσύ είσαι ο Aecetia στον eune που μου βγαίνει συνέχεια suggested? :p
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