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Everything posted by TheVortex

  1. EU server, Alliance, Silvermoon server, message me
  2. I'm selling this account. You can change the e-mail and the password as soon as you buy it. 23~25 LP per win. Price: 20 euro ADD ME ON SKYPE: ant_dls46, DO NOT REPLY HERE or PM.
  3. I mean i am a member since 2007, everyone knew me even the administrator, i'm not a person that scams! i just posted the pictures!
  4. OK , you 're talking trash against a veteran member, but imma post the pictures since i have to. Posts: 1,764 Reputation: 0 Member: 10349 Joined: 31-March 07
  5. 26 Champions , 1 Skin (Project X Yasuo) MMR. = Perfect. Will skip Platinum 2 and go straight Platinum 1. ADD ME ON SKYPE ant_dls46
  6. Offers, msg me! (για τους ελληνες δεκτες και paysafe) Dual Class Wynn Summoner !
  7. WTB 2x Unranked 30 Lv Accounts EUW with 23K IP + Email adress. Dont reply here, add me on Skype -> ant_dls46
  8. WTS SILVER 1 EUNE, 56 CHAMPS, 10e / Paysafe, pm me.
  9. WTB League of Legends Platinum Account Eune. 60+ Champions + most of the runes ( at least the basics ) Price around 25-30e//offer. Reply here, pm me or send me e-mail at antdls4646@gmail.com
  10. bump, i can trade this for league of legends platinum account, pm me
  11. Main Othell Ghost Hunter 89 (30%) Dual class Wynn Spectral Master 85 Lv. Duelist 80 Warcryer 57 Gear, Twilight Leather + Apo Shaper +3 150 + Apo Thrower Damage up (for dual class) Adena a few around 5KK. Pm me with offer. No trades.
  12. I forgot, sorry for that, I will update the thread. Thanks for mentioning
  13. I'd like to buy 420M Adena on Naia, pm me with offers please.
  14. Division: Currently Platinum 5 Four Rune Pages (see below) Champs: Ahri + skin Akali Alistar Amumu Annie Ashe Braum Dr.Mundo Draven Evellyn Fiddlesticks Fiora Garen Gragas Irelia Janna + skin Jax Karma Kassadin Kayle LeBlanc + skin Lee Sin + skin Leona Lux Malphite Master Yi Mordekaiser Morgana Nasus Nidalee Nocturne + skin Nunu Pantheon Rengar Riven Ryze Shyvana Sivir Sona Soraka + skin Taric Tristana Trundle Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Veigar Vi + skin Warwick Wukong Xin Zhao Yasuo Runes: Marks -> Armor x9, Armor Pen x9, AD Flat x9, Critical Chance x4, Magic Pen x9, Attack speed x6 Seals -> Armor x9, Ability power x9 Glyphs -> Magic Resist x9 Quintessences -> Ability power x3, Armor x2, AD x3, Critical Chance x1, Lifesteal bonus x1, Armor Pen x3 PM ME with offer, Thanks.
  15. Hello. Recently, i'd like to bot on retail but i didn't find any usefull guide over here, google neither. So after i figure how to bot on official myself, i'd like to post here and help some new people! So let's start. 1. Visit http://www.forum.l2tower.eu/portal.php 2. Register http://forum.l2tower.eu/member.php?action=register 3. Download L2Tower http://files.l2tower.eu/l2tower.zip and UPDATE! 4. Make a new folder and extract L2Tower inside. You won't have problems anymore. Screenshot: http://postimg.org/image/gy0fpmgyt/ NEW FOR INFINITY ODYSSEY!! INFINITY ODYSSEY- L2Tower Setup 1. Update Game (make sure you got clean System Folder) 2. Copy L2.bin to L2.exe 3. Put dsetup into Lineage 2 System folder. 4. Run game, if you get Game Guard error then: A ) Restart computer B )Disable nProtect service. 5. Install .NET 4.5 6. Install Visual Studio C++ Redistribute Package (x86) - yes x86 7. Update/Download L2Tower 8. Remove plugins for now if you got any. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A )Open L2Tower. B )Go to License Tab and write down your L2Tower's account information you registered before. C )Click on "Create license file" and done. D )Go to Base Tab and select the path of L2.exe E )Click on "Run & Inject x1" and that's all. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Run Game 11. Use in L2Tower inject into process. 12. Close L2Tower Now the only thing you have to do is to enter the world and type //cfg to open the Control Panel, configurate it (Nuke attack, Pve Target, Pickup, Melee (for auto attack) and enjoy! DSetup Zip File Download NOW (FOR INFINITY ODYSSEY) http://forum.l2tower.eu/attachment.php?aid=2426 (must sign in into L2 Tower's forum to download)
  16. WTS Official Naia Yul Moonlight 86 for Adena, PM me with offers.
  17. Wassup bro!
  18. Shen ulti while the mid laner karthus open his ulti and same time enemy jungler who is pantheon gangs bot ^^
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