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Everything posted by `BoØmBoØm

  1. [gr]Αυτό το βίντεο δεν είναι διαθέσιμο.
  2. [gr] mpori kanenas na mou stili to teliko otan i SK Bgikan proti ??? to video den 8imame pote itane..
  3. more old photos ? just update new.
  4. Pm Gregor sure he can find something for you.
  5. Ask Romeo,Mysterio,Dravious,DBSK,piotress,`GordØn™,z1r3k,Valve,V4n Persie,xNo0b, if i am trusted .
  6. if i am untrusted you are untrusted too for sure
  7. Note; I will NOT go first. You will give me the account info, I'll log on and see what's up then I'll give you the code for the card after I confirm that the account is good to go. If you don't agree to this, don't bother posting in my thread HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAH 7 post why someone give you first his accout? kido
  8. i win ranked game +11 i lose ranked game -22
  9. update the link.
  10. 5 euro ..... he say he have 600 elo .
  11. den anigoun ta ports ta exw anixta kai den mpori na mpi kaneis ...... lei oti einai klista eno ta exw ani3i 500 fores
  12. exw to idio problima ... :/
  13. Paidia boi8iste me gt exw ani3a ta ports kai lei oti einai klista......otan ta aniga perisi mia xara itane twra den anigoun ..... Pffff Kapios pou 3eri apo Thomson na kanei ena PM
  14. 1520 pefto me ta zwa shmera 1420 mia xara feeder pantou
  15. you want dekarma ? you can't spam in his topic without proofs
  16. +1 for about the
  17. apoti blepo 8a gini malakia :p
  18. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=258630.msg2399744#msg2399744
  19. Καλημέρα αρχηγοί μου ;) Οπως λεει και το τοπικ θα σασ δίνω τισ αποψεις μου ;) 22/12/2012 (Σιγουρακια για μενα) 135- ΙΝΤΕΡ - ΤΖΕΝΟΑ (1) 136-ΕΛΓΚΙΝ - ΡΕΪΝΤΖΕΡΣ (2) 215-ΦΕΝΕΡΜΠΑΧΤΣΕ - ΚΑΡΝΤΕΜΙΡ ΚΑΡΑΜΠΟΚ (1) 235-ΜΠΡΕΝΤΑ - ΑΪΝΤΧΟΦΕΝ (2) 219-ΓΚΟΟΥ ΑΧΕΝΤ ΙΓΚΛΣ- ΛΜΙΡΕ ΣΙΤΙ (1) 12/12/2012 (Αν σ αρεσει να ρισκαρεις) 144-ΠΑΛΕΡΜΟ - ΦΙΟΡΕΝΤΙΝΑ (2) 137-ΓΟΥΙΓΚΑΝ - ΑΡΣΕΝΑΛ (2) 151-ΝΙΟΥΚΑΣΤΛ - ΚΠΡ (1) 206-ΛΙΛ - ΜΟΝΠΕΛΙΕ (X) 149-ΓΟΥΕΣΤ ΧΑΜ - ΕΒΕΡΤΟΝ (X) 12/12/2012(Αδυνατες νικης) 146-ΣΙΕΝΑ - ΝΑΠΟΛΙ X/2 234-ΡΟΜΑ - ΜΙΛΑΝ X/2 142-ΑΤΑΛΑΝΤΑ - OΥΝΤΙΝΕΖΕ 2/2 Καλα κερδη ανα παιξετε ;)
  20. Top: VoyBoy Jungle: Snoopeh Mid: Froggen/Alex Ich AD Carry: Doublelift Support: Krepo
  21. gevorakoC worst admin i have ever see .....if his server no gather more than 100 players he close it ...!
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