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Everything posted by Thelasthero

  1. i have the same question..maybe they didnt pay the domain..?
  2. oreos light...Sxetika me to onoma "Alexandros" nomizo pos einai alles oi rizes tis lexis (alexo=apotho + anir=andras) tespa ...
  3. to skeftika kai ego auto alla theloume piges gia na diapseusoume tis mlkies pou grafoun autoi.
  4. oi Rossoi tous exoun gtp tous Amerikanous.Oute xeroume ti kriboun autoi...Apla na anaferoume pos ola ta megala opla itan efeureseis germanon kai rosson.Px atomiki energeia etc...
  5. Tha sas po kati pou ezisa sto internet se online game.Prin 3 xronia sinantao enan Skopiano ixere liga ellinika kai miligame kai tou leo apo pou eisai kai mou leei apo ta Skopia Boreia Makedonia ti xora tou M.Alexandrou...Ti simainei auto..?Kati pezei edo polla xronia....Tous didaskoun alla pragmata oti na nai...Kai tora erxontai kai zitoun kai edafoi me ti voithia ton Amerikanon.Vlepo megalo polemo dustixos :S p.s:kapios na kanei epithesi XSS sto site pou edose o soul :P...Sovara milao. p.s2:epeidi kai emena me lene Alexandro i lexi Alexandros = Alexo + andras xrisimopioithike apo ton Omiro idi to 800p.X os deutero onoma tou Pari tis Troias. p.s3:Papariles grafoun....
  6. yes but the .avi problem still remains(i mean space 400mb 10secs ffs).The good thing is that you will have full FPS not like Fraps..
  7. Counter-Strike movie making tutorial - by: sfekt` Quick note: Use 800x600, full brightness/gamma, max_smokepuffs 0, auto-size xhair, green, and translucent to get BEST results with this tutorial. 1. First place a demo in your cstrike folder. Then you want to use the resoution 800x600 and full brightness/gamma. Next you want to turn off net graph, and saytext. To do so type net_Graph 0 and hud_saytext (save your config elsewhere to replace after done). Then you want to open your demo (viewdemo demonamehere). When you get to the part you want to make a clip of type "startmovie name 90" (without the quotes, and you may replace "name" with what you want the screenshots to be named).When the part is over that you want to capture, type endmovie. 2. Next, you want to open pjbmp2avi, if you do not have it, you may download it here (save to a folder). Then you want to open it, and locate your screenshots. When that is done, you may have many screenshots in your cstrike folder, so where it says "input name" type the name of the screenshots you want to make a clip of. Choose what name you want to save the file as, and make sure your "frame rate" is at "90" and "key rate" is at "1". Also, make sure you choose FULL FRAMES UNCOMPRESSED! 3. Now that you have the uncompressed clip, you want to open Vegas Video. Go to "File" then "import media" and locate your file. When that is done you will see it in the "media pool", now drag it up to the video track. Now you want to go to "File" then "Project Properties". Set the Width to "800" and the Height to "600". Now set the Field Order to "None (progressive scan)" and Pixel Aspect ratio to "1.0000 (Square)". Then set the frame rate to "30", Full resoultion rendering quality to "Best", Motion Blur type to "Gaussian" and Deinterlace method to "none". 4. Now that you have your clip in the video track, you may what to get rid of that HLTV bar, or your money on the bottom of the screen. To do so, right click your clip and go to Video pan/crop. Set the Size to 800x470 if you want it to look like below, you may change the "320" number to anything if you want a large portion of the clip to be shown. Make sure you only have the LOWER envelope icon indented. 5. Next you want to add some levels. Right click your clip, go to Media FX and drag Levels on to your clip(thanks to spider from moviemakers for the levels). Change the "Input Start" to .083 and "Input End" to .804 to get a nice crisp look. Also, add "Color Balance" and use the preset "Blue Highlights". Next, add "Color Corrector" and use the preset "Studio RGB to Computer RGB". This is how it will look: http://www.seeknay.com/sfekt/movietut/sfektminimovie.jpg[/img] 6. Now that your clip is done, it is time to render. Go to File > render ass and choose "Windows Media Video V9 (*.wmv) for your "Save as type". For file name insert the text you would like the clip to be named, and make sure you set template to "default uncompressed" (you can save it when done customizing). Also, make sure you check the boxes "Save project markers" and if you selected a part of a clip to render, check "Render loop region only". 7. Now click "custom" on your right hand side under "cancel" and above "about". Make it render at "Best". Now go to the audio tab. Setthe mode to "Quality VBR", Format to "Windows Media Audio 9" and Attributes to "VBR Quality 10, 44khz, stereo VBR" (thanks to MRZ from moviemakers for those settings). Next go to the video tab. Change the "mode" to "Bit rate VBR". Make sure your format is "Windows Media Video 9". change Image size to "Custom" and make sure width is at "800" and Height is at "600". Next change frame rate (fps) to "30", Average Bit Rate (bps) to "4 M" and Seconds per Keyframe to "3". You may now insert text into the template area and click the "floppy disk" to save the template. Now click ok and then save to get your clip :) http://www.seeknay.com/sfekt/movietut/render3.jpg[/img] http://www.seeknay.com/sfekt/movietut/render2.jpg[/img] END vegas video download http://sony-vegas-video.en.softonic.com/ p.s : to vrika sto internet meta apo poli ora search tha to dokimaso o idios se ligo
  8. file demonic auta pou aneferes einai frikta alla o kathenas mporei na to kanei auto dustixos.Koita to MxC einai diasimo,exei tosa members,exei donates(opou polloi xenoi kai ellines kanoun),exei organosi kai alla polla.Auta ta forumakia pou ftiaxnoun ta mikra paidakia exoun diarkeia 2 imeron.Xerontai oi magkes meriki vazoun mexri kai donates se free sites-forums alla ta @@ tha paroun.To MxC exei ti kuriarxia se auto to epipedo akoma....Dont Worry... Kali paratirisi pantos
  9. gia oli tin ellada de nomizo pantos edo sti patra/rio pou xionise xtes olo to vradi,simera vgike ilios liosan ola kai mono poutsokrio kanei.
  10. i dont play l2 anymore but i heard many ideas..that is one that can work perfect.Nice Scenario GL with your server m8
  11. re mipos exei dei kaneis kana lusari se morfi acrobat reader?Vsk psaxno Thoukididi 1hs Lukeiou kai elega mipos tsimpise kaneis tpt tetio apo to Internet.Peite mou mi pao kai to agoraso tsampa :P
  12. nai siga min ton katazitousan kai me super-puma pano apo tis egkatastaseis bnb.
  13. +1 Grafeis kati tetio se ena SITE opou einai gia kamenous kai esi o idios eisai toses ores mesa.De prospatho na se prosvalo apla auto einai antitheto tou <<katestimenou>> ,einai sosto na gnorizoume tous kindinous alla de nomizo oti uparxei atomo pou xrisimopoiei PC kai den exei akousei OLA osa egrapses me toso kopo :P
  14. Auto gia ta antanaklastika mporei na isxuei alla apo oti exete paratirisei stis eidiseis i kataxrisi kanei kako (anilikoi se nosokomeia apexartisis ktl) alla auto einai kati to protognoro kai an isxuei tha allaxoun oi gnomes kapoion.Prosopika pezo 5 me 8 ores tin imera kai exo 3 kati miopia(klironomiko vsk alla....).Tespa ego auto pou kratao einai ta antanaklastika pou isxuoun kata tin apopsi mou 100% giati kai exaskisi oi pilotoi kanoun me paromoia simulation programs os pote isxuei kai pos tha to deixo stous goneis mou na niosoun :P.
  15. to pio eleino tha itan na eixe kai photo tou upotithemenou emo :P
  16. in L2 i think wtf you want fps for?pressing F1 or F2? lol this will help only for action-shooting games..
  17. omg!!!ill try this!Very Imba Useful! so in greek is more difficult cause of the difficult words in the settings panel :P Greek: otan ftasete sto 3d panel allagi rithmiseon eikonas me proepiskopisi meta epilegete to 2o "xrisi ton rithmiseon proigoumenis eikonas 3d" kai metafora ekei.Stis genikes rithmiseis leei "kathetos sixronismos" epilexte "apenergopioimenos exanagkasmos" kai gg exo 80-100 fps tora :) It worked i have 80-100 fps now xD
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