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Everything posted by Maxtor

  1. more scripts.
  2. Who wants to help with that? 8) Who ever wants to help me finish it reply here or pm me. Source and discussion etc can only be found here: http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewforum.php?f=38
  3. after the tontor's fixed dll, all servers are patched.Some hexed the command /block by disabling it, or doing something else like /loc etc.
  4. Click Here very usefull tool !
  5. pagwto - liosmeno
  6. ill tell you what ive heard: you click deposit clan wh, while you ride a strider, and the clan leader clicks withdraw it! then you both have striders. Try it, i havent yet.
  7. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6605730767077503480 Smart Crash!
  8. poio pragma den exei me to sql? ksereis ti les?
  9. procedure made by young? :P
  10. with artmoney you can learn all ALL SKILLS :D
  11. Merry Christmas to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall!!!!!
  12. i have informed, there are other mothods BBS Injection etc, but they keep it secret
  13. I knew it before it was patched :P
  14. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4511700021036249808
  15. Maxtor i did so but nothing happens again link login server failed....... they uses another IP ??? the token i right as i made it?? the settings? can you help please. link login server failed = Start WP152,or wrong IP.
  16. Simpson ProtocolVersion=530 (change it to 749)
  17. check from cmd, type netstat, and see the correct ports. Maybe they dont use 7777 and 2106 but different.
  18. to ekanes setup sto c:\server h kapou alou? mono ekei pezei. prepei na kaneis edit to l2.ini kai na baleis localhost gia na beis apo to idio pc. Akoma apo ta server files , kapou sto config,rithmise to Internal IP
  19. here: http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=198
  20. Gia ADSL, prepei na pas sto modem sou, kai na kaneis ADD sto NAT RULE ENTRY. More info den borw na sou pw.
  21. Kane install ton client kai bale to patch apo tin arxi. (See first page) A exeis static ip, tote eisai ok. an exeis dynamic ip bes edw http://www.no-ip.com/ kane ena account kai kanei forward sto port 80. Meta gia na se blepoun oi alloi prepei na anikseis ta ports 7777,2106, kai 80 sto modem sou. Tora oso gia to IP:localhost, oi alloi den tha blepoun afto , alla tin ip sou, H to onoma pou tha exeis dialeksei apo to no-ip. HF
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