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About Drynisan

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  1. Thank you stacy doll, but i quote myself: This is not lack of knowledge, is lack of expertice and time.
  2. Hi, this is a quick buck for anyone who knows what is doing. Our dev has gone for like a month or so and we are fighting against time. What we need: + TvT Frag counter (Reward per kill in tvt) + TvT cannot make party + account manager or .changepassword (Better if it is in a NPC) + .repair (Better if it is in a NPC) + vote reward (Hopzone/Topzone) + Subclass starts at Lv 75 (like Hi5 config) Ok, this is the funny part, the server has NO core modifications, and what we have is the compiled stuff with some minor datapack changes, pyhton scripts and xmls edited. We do not have an SVN so the job would have to be done in a clean one that you may provide. Thats it, this features are easy finding stuff from here and l2j forum, but this is so time consuming for us right now without our dev that we decided to hire people who would make it 10 times faster than us and also would earn some cash in the way. Please, answer this toppic or send PM with an estimate prize for the job and whoever we think is more adecuate will be hired. Altough this request seems funny, the server is not. We intend to pay half in advance and half once the job is done. Thank you.
  3. Hi, i have this code import math import sys from com.l2jserver.gameserver import Announcements from com.l2jserver.util import Rnd from java.lang import System from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.appearance import PcAppearance from com.l2jserver.gameserver import GameTimeController from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import State from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2NpcInstance qn = "2002_CustomBoss" QuestDesc = "custom" Raids = [ 25524 ] #time between events in milliseconds eventInterval = 86400000 FirstStart = 30000 class Quest (JQuest): def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) self.RaidBosses ={ 0: {'name':"Custom Raid Boss" , 'id':25524}, } self.RbCoords ={ 0: {'name':"in Raid Zone" , 'X':144644 , 'Y':-5644 , 'Z':-4723}, } self.startQuestTimer("EventTrigger", FirstStart, None, None) self.RbSpawn = [] self.rewards ={ 0: {'prize':40022 , 'number':1}, } self.Event = [] def onAdvEvent (self,event,npc,player): if event == "EventTrigger" : self.Event = 1 #the spawn coords and which raidboss are both random and #independant from each other ra = int(Rnd.get(1)) rb = int(Rnd.get(1)) raidboss = self.RaidBosses[ra]['name'] location = self.RbCoords[rb]['name'] Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll(raidboss + " spawned ") self.RbSpawn = self.addSpawn(self.RaidBosses[ra]['id'],self.RbCoords[rb]['X'],self.RbCoords[rb]['Y'],self.RbCoords[rb]['Z'],0,False,0) self.startQuestTimer("RbDespawn", 86400000, npc, player) if event == "RbDespawn": self.RbSpawn.deleteMe() Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Custom Raid Boss is still alive") self.startQuestTimer("EventTrigger", eventInterval, npc, player) def onKill (self,npc,player,isPet): npcId = npc.getNpcId() if npcId in Raids: Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Custom Raid Boss has been killed") self.cancelQuestTimer("RbDespawn", None, None) self.startQuestTimer("EventTrigger", eventInterval, npc, player) # Quest class and state definition QUEST = Quest(-1,qn,QuestDesc) for i in Raids: QUEST.addKillId(i) print "Custom Raid Boss Loaded" And my question is, how do i make this script that, onKill of the raid boss, all those who have hitted the raid get a reward? Perhaps hitted and in range, etc. In the code it says "{'prize':40022 , 'number':1}, " but still not working, that ID of a custom quest item frome me, and i need to all who participate in killing the raid to obtain it. Any help? I know it should not be so difficult, but what i tryed didnt work, so i ask for help now. Thank you.
  4. Hi, first of all, i want to say sorry because yesterday we were kinda spaming this forum looking for the pack. I would like to quickly say why, and maybe give you an idea of what we are looking forward to get. We are a group of 4 people who had different tasks and skills, and were going to launch a L2 server. We started it, but unfortunately one of us had a car accident, he was in hopsital and a month ago he died from a cardiac attack while hospitalized. The last thing we wanted is to keep on working, but as one of us sayd... "we should to this, for him" and wth we will finish it as a memorial. Having sayd that: We are looking for a Freya Faction pack. The idea is to have 3 factions, and in a long long run, add another one. I dont know if there are free packs (there should be) but we wanted security, we certainly not rich, but preffer to pay rather suffer from shitty code. Also, we would like to hire a person to customize the data and if we get along, would be our dev Payd per Job, for the time the server is on. We would pay euros, if you want, besides it is not our money but it would be such a problem. Important stuff you should know: The average age of the members is 28 years old, we are not kids playing GMs here. We want a serious project, and we expect to hire serious services. The things we would need would be mostly java, some challenging ones, (because we know how to code but no as a pro level). Please, reply here with you Skype of Facebook or send me a PM. Me or someone of my crew will answer as soon as possible. Thank you for your time, Regards.
  5. Hi, can i contact you via facebook? We suffered the loss of our dev a month ago and we need a dev for our project. We are starting a Freya Faction, but all the mods we find are for interlude. Do you think you can help us?
  6. By any chance to have the faction mod adapted to freya?
  7. By any chance to have the faction mod adapted to freya?
  8. Is there any chance to have the faction adapted for freya?
  9. Hi, im needing a faction data for Freya. I know you have it for interlude, any way to adapt it? I will buy it from you. Regards.
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