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Web Page: http://gatesofnaia.sytes.net

Forum: http://gatesofnaia.sytes.net/forum




* Exp: 3000x

* SP: 3000x

* Adena: Adena is custom, economy based on Coins and adena rate is high on custom areas.

* Safe Enchant: +4

* Max Enchant: +16

* Max Skill Enchant: +15

* Enchant rate: 66% (Normal Scrolls), 75% (Blessed Scrolls) and 100% (Crystal Scrolls).

* Attribute Rate: 65% (stones).

* Attribute Max: Level 4

* Max Buffs/Dance: 26/16


Basic Features:


* PK Protection for Low Level Players. 

* Custom Kino Lottery system.

* NEW Captcha AntiBot System.

* Custom Drop Protection.

* Working .dressme command.

* Custom leveling area from 1 to 80, custom farm and pvp areas.

* Gm Shop from D Grade to S-84 Elegia with all new Freya items.

* Global Gatekeeper (Free Service)

* Custom Npc buffer (Free Scheme buffer)

* Custom Noblesse Manager (requires 10 GB)

* Custom Epic respawn time (about 12h) and lv (82, 85)

* Custom Events and Commands.


Special Features:


* Conquerable Clan Halls.

* Custom Farm Areas (PvP Allowed)

* Custom Safe Area (no PvP)

* Custom Flag Zone (you will get flag there!!!)

* Visual Armor System (.dressme).

* Killing Spree Pvp rewards.

* Enchantable Hero Weapons.

* Custom Wedding System.

* Auto Events: TvT, CTF, Town War, Kill The Raid Boss,Rabbits and More.


Other Features:


* Donations will be available. But not overpowered.

* Skills and classes are CONSTANTLY checked and modified to improve balance.

* Mana potions

* Epic Jewels drops will be available only from Epic Bosses (>NOT< in GM Shop).

* Economy is based on 4 main currencies (Blue Eva, Gold Enihasad, bloody Paagrio and Silver Einhasad) and plus special currency (Mouse Coin, Festival Adena)

* Events will have a nice Reward to make them worth to play

* Auto Events almost every hour.


Enjoy The Server and Have a nice Game Play.



Can any 1 tell me where to get those "Crystal Scrolls"?


Events, raid bosses, glittering medal exchange.


max attribute lvl 9 = fail server, anyway gl with your server


Attribute lv 9 work good on Freya servers.


they are only 4 Online anyway GL

Yes server is officially open tomorrow so there is no people yet


It's like that in retail too. You gunna call retail a fail server?

yes retail is a fail server since there are milions of bots and its population is decreasing all the time.

lvl 9 is a fail and 20% chance?nah

gl with that

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

k i will stay on server. yes just 10-15 players at moment ,but i have seen some new on day. why i prefer gates of Naia. i played on some server which was registred here. some closed soon, some unbalanced much , and on one server i have seen how GM equiped  player.

here no corruption, server is stability , 4 gm team and gm-s online much time. class balanced look normal at moment , farming how i see no easy but no hard. forum forking. on all players post admin answering. so at moment server looks good. just need more players

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