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[L2J] Forsaken L2 (NOW OPEN BETA!)


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Website Available (placeholder forum until web design complete): http://www.forsaken-lineage2.com/forum/


Server is now in open beta! Click for connection instructions!


Website in development, waiting on machine purchase first of the month. Will add more detail + art to post as time passes.


Server Rates


XP: 20x

Adena: 40x

Drops: 10x

PartyXP: 2.5x




Auto-Learn Skills

New Weapons/Armor Sets

Custom Gatekeeper

Subclass NPC

Class Change NPC

GM Shop

Weapon Safe Enchant: +7

Weapon Max Enchant: +18

Armor Safe Enchant: +5

Armor Max Enchant: +12

Normal Scroll: 60%

Blessed Scroll: 90%

AutoUpdater Launcher

Buff Duration -> 1 hour


Completely Revised Buff System

* One of my the most frustrating aspect's of the Lineage 2 game is the buff system. It's overly complex, requiring on 3 types of buff classes or NPC buffers that limit how long you can do stuff. I thought that just having NPC buffers on the server would be rather lame so I came up with my own solutions.


* My solution is that all player's start at lvl 1 with a skill called Passive Buffs. Passive buffs provides players with the bonuses they would normally receive from NPC buffers without the inconveniences. Don't worry, buffers will still have (new) good buffs that stack with Passive Buffs. Also, Passive Buffs is great for PvP balance because it's an easy to turn nob to adjust every stat. So to sum it up every player has 24/7 buffs passively! No NPC buffers needed, ever! :D


* Passive buffs current bonuses (subject to change) -> +60 runspd, 35% patk, +12 accuracy, +8 evasion, 105% critical damage bonus, 58% paspd, 160% melee crit chance, 4x base magic crit chance, 20% magic crit dmg, 25% increased mp, 50% increased hp, 115% matk, 65% pdef, 60% mdef, 78% maspd, 2x mana regen rate, 6x hp regen rate, 3% of damage dealt turns into health, 0.5% of damage dealt turns into mana, 25% reduced re-use time, 20% reduced sp cost on skills/bow, +10 debuff vuln reduction, 10% reduced chance to be hit with all debuffs (stun, root, etc), and 30% less critical damage taken.


* Prophet, Shilien Elder, and Elven Elder have had their buffs completely changed from the ground up. Still working on Warcryer + Overlord, but they won't be ignored. Check out the preview buff list below!


* Blessing of Stone - 10% pdef, 10% hp (all buffers)

* Blessing of Frenzy - 10% patk, 10% critical damage, and 10% paspd. (all)

* Blessing of Wisdom - 10% casting speed and 10% matk (SE + Prophet)

* Blessing of Clarity - 15% reduced mp cost on skills and 20% more mana regen (SE+EE)

* Blessing of Mental Agility - 30% increased sleep, root, confusion, and derangement resist (all)

* Blessing of Shield Defense - 50% shield pdef and 30% block chance increased (EE+Prophet)

* Blessing of Magical Resistance - 10% mdef and +15 elemental resists (all)

* Blessing of Vengeance - 15% of physical damage and 9% of magical damage taken is reflected back (EE+SE)

* Vampiric Desires - 6% of physical damage dealt turns into health and 3% of magical damage turns into mana. (SE)

* Lightfooted - +6 evasion and +8 run speed (SE+EE)

* Thickened Skin - 30% stun and bleed resist (Prophet+EE)

* Group buff versions of each buff will be available.


Blade Dancer/Sword Singer

* Blade Dancers and Sword Singers will share the exact same buffs, eliminating the need for the requirement of two in the group, but also making them desirable for group hunting. :)


* There will be 3 types of Songs/Dances categories. Combat, Defensive, and Supportive. You may only have one of each category up at a time. Check out the preview list below.

* Combat Dances - 9% paspd/maspd, 9% matk/patk, or 9% increased critical damage

* Defensive Dances - 10% mdef and +15 resists, +10% pdef and 10% reduced critical damage taken, +15 runspd, or 60% increased debuff resistance.

* Supportive Dances - 20% more hp regen, 20% more mp regen, or +10% healing received.


Weapon Special Ability Changes!

* Another aspect of game play I thought was lame was having to add a Special Ability to your weapon and then playing Russian roulette if you could enchant it to the level you wanted. My solution was to remove all Weapon SA's, but then to add in my own little twist! :)

* There will be skill books available for all players that will teach them toggle skills (no mana cost) that are basically the weapon specials abilities they wanted to use, but for any weapon they have! There will be 3 different levels of Weapon SA's (1 being from vendor, 2 from mob drops, and 3 from raid bosses).

* Example -> Skillbook of Focus (Weapon) that teaches the toggle skill Focus (Weapon). So when you use that toggle (depending on weapon) it will give you the exact same focus SA you would normally get.


Class / Skill Changes

* No Major Overhauls, detailed list still in development.

* Various toggle skills such as Vicious Stance and buffs like Rapid Fire will be made passive.

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good luck, tho those modifications will change the game into star-wars ;)



Thanks. My goal isn't to change the game play so drastically it feels like a different game, but to make gameplay smoother and more dynamic for my players. Stuff like NPC buffers seem to just hide the buff system quirks while making other classes useless.

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The server appears good on a first glance . But I really don't approve the Dance combos , why not leave the dances as they are so that people could try out combo's to suit their needs / classes / play style ?


My second argument , will this " Passive buffs " skill be available in grand olympiad fights ? Because doing so would make a lot of classes useless .


Third and last argument . About the SA's , what if a weapon doesn't have a particular SA . Or take for example duals , if a player has +4 dual swords or dual daggers along with the skill SA that he got from the mob drop , will they both take effect ?



I'd love to see more of your development ideas , I'm glad to see that people actually strive to strike uniqueness and not just settle in with the regular stuff that is thrown at them . I'd like to wish you the best of luck in your server and I must say that I will definately try it out when it launches .

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Sounds very nice custom project

I would like to add 1 thing:


Matk/Patk increase is not equivalent with the same % increase comparing to the damage done. Example for this is Empower 3 giving 75% M.atk and Might giving 15% P.atk. I'm saying this because you add the same % in Matk/Patk for the Combat Dances, so 9% Matk is nothing compared to 9% Patk


Good luck with your project, will check it out when it's live for sure

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But I really don't approve the Dance combos , why not leave the dances as they are so that people could try out combo's to suit their needs / classes / play style ?


The current dance / song system basically makes it a necessity to have both classes in your party because they both bring unique and powerful buffs and stuff like NPC buffers made those classes useless. I believe by making them share similar (but not too powerful) buffs that they could be equally good and I can add more songs / dances as the players desire.


I know it's not listed, but I do have other Songs & Dances that I'm going to add especially unique "end-game" buffs. I have more plans for Swordsinger & Blade Dancer classes to add an interesting twist to their playstyle.


My second argument , will this " Passive buffs " skill be available in grand olympiad fights ? Because doing so would make a lot of classes useless .


Of course. It's a passive skill for every player. :)


Third and last argument . About the SA's , what if a weapon doesn't have a particular SA . Or take for example duals , if a player has +4 dual swords or dual daggers along with the skill SA that he got from the mob drop , will they both take effect ?


I've already coded the SA's to work for Dual Weapons. Right now I just have Focus, Health, Haste, Mana Up, Conversion, and Polearm (merged) weapon SA skill's. I will add more (some unique, some not) as time goes on so you shouldn't worry too much about your weapon not having a SA.


I'd love to see more of your development ideas , I'm glad to see that people actually strive to strike uniqueness and not just settle in with the regular stuff that is thrown at them . I'd like to wish you the best of luck in your server and I must say that I will definately try it out when it launches .


Thank you.


Sounds very nice custom project

I would like to add 1 thing:


Matk/Patk increase is not equivalent with the same % increase comparing to the damage done. Example for this is Empower 3 giving 75% M.atk and Might giving 15% P.atk. I'm saying this because you add the same % in Matk/Patk for the Combat Dances, so 9% Matk is nothing compared to 9% Patk


Good luck with your project, will check it out when it's live for sure


Of course. I can adjust the skills at any time up or down. That is the benefit of the passive buffs skill as well because you can use it to fine tune PvP.

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Olympiad thing :


So you're telling me that everybody will be able to have full buffs at olympiad , which is totaly unbalancing . For example : how is a blade dancer or sword singer be able to kill anybody . I mean those classes aren't really oly farmers even right know , but their dance/songs still give them a chance on winning , if they have the proper gear . If you add fullbuffs then you make these classes unable to even get 1 victory .



Special Ability :


What I meant to say is , if a player has +4 duals AND one of the SA skills , will he have BOTH the SA from the +4 effect and the skill or only the skill ?

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Olympiad thing :


So you're telling me that everybody will be able to have full buffs at olympiad , which is totaly unbalancing . For example : how is a blade dancer or sword singer be able to kill anybody . I mean those classes aren't really oly farmers even right know , but their dance/songs still give them a chance on winning , if they have the proper gear . If you add fullbuffs then you make these classes unable to even get 1 victory .


I will be evaluating each classes overall performance as a whole. If one class is doing too little damage in PvP then I can always add a say Passive Buffs (Bladedancer) buff to them that'll stack with regular Passive Buffs. So let's say Passive Buffs (Blade Dancer) gives 20% additional PvP damage and 10% less damage taken in PvP (just as an example). I can even do the opposite and decrease PvP damage for some classes if they're too strong without hurting them in PvE.


Another class I'm looking at closely are summoners. I'm thinking of an interesting transformation system that'll change depending on which servitor you summon.


I was thinking of something like this for Phantom Summoners. Summon Shadow turns you into a Light Armor Tank transformation with tanking abilities, Soulless turns you into a dagger damage dealer, and the (can't remember name) magical pet turns you into a healer (with weaker heals than Bishop). Depending on which transformation you're in will adjust your stats accordingly.


For Prophets I am going to give them Inquisitor to help them level, but I was thinking of turning them into staff wielding damage dealer that uses Prophecies (like Totems).


Of course these are just ideas, but its stuff I'm interesting in experimenting with.


Special Ability :


What I meant to say is , if a player has +4 duals AND one of the SA skills , will he have BOTH the SA from the +4 effect and the skill or only the skill ?


Think of the Weapon SA as a toggle skill that stacks with anything on your weapon. So yes, they will stack but I can just tone down either or if I see Dual Wielders doing too much damage.

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I now have a website up (currently just a forum which is using placeholder art) until I finish with my website designer.


I plan on launching an open beta tonight and will include all the details on how to connect on my website.


I will also list my current design goals and system information for anyone that is curious.

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