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pedia mporei kapios na m pei ti na vale sto config php t deadalus acount manager????
defined( '_ACM_VALID' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
define ('DEBUG', false); // Enable debug mode ; for set on replace false by true
define ('LOG', false); // Enable log mode ; for set off replace true by false
//############################### Login Server Configuration ###############################
CONFIG::g()->ca('login_server', array(
'hostname' => 'localhost', // login host database DB
'user' => 'root', // login user
'password' => '', // login password
'database' => 'l2jdb' // login database name
//############################### Game Server Configuration ################################
'id' => 1, // game id
'hostname' => 'localhost', // game host database DB
'user' => 'root', // game user
'password' => '', // game password
'database' => 'l2jdb' // game database name
'id' => 2, // game id (must be same as registred in gameservers table)
'hostname' => 'localhost', // game host database DB
'user' => 'root', // game user
'password' => '', // game password
'database' => 'l2jdb' // game database name
//################################### Web Configuration ####################################
CONFIG::g()->cs('core_server_name', 'Private Server'); // server name
CONFIG::g()->cs('core_iso_type', 'utf-8'); // set the charset type
CONFIG::g()->cb('core_act_img', true); // Activate image verification ; set false if you want deactivate
CONFIG::g()->ci('core_spam_try', 5); // We allow to the user 5 times unsuccessfull login after that system block him IP.
CONFIG::g()->ci('core_spam_time', 30); // Need to wait 30 minutes after been blocked by anti spam system
CONFIG::g()->cb('core_act_email', true); // Activate email verification ; set false if you want deactivate
CONFIG::g()->cb('core_same_email', false); // Allow to have same email with different account ; set false if you want deactivate
CONFIG::g()->cb('core_can_chg_email', false); // User can change email ; set false if you want prohibit
CONFIG::g()->cbi('core_acc_limit', false); // How many account can be registered ; set false for unlimited
CONFIG::g()->cs('core_language', 'english'); // language use by the Account Manager ; name of language file in language folder
CONFIG::g()->cb('core_ack_cond', false); // User must accept before register ; conditions can be edited on the language file
CONFIG::g()->cs('core_template', 'gracia'); // template directory
CONFIG::g()->cb('core_interlude', false); // If you are using interlude database set to true
//################################### Characters Config ####################################
CONFIG::g()->cb('service_allow', false); // Enable Account Services
CONFIG::g()->cb('service_allow_with_karma', true); // Enable Account Services for player who have karma
CONFIG::g()->cs('service_server_name', './servername.xml'); // ServerName list (refer to the l2j xml list on datapack)
CONFIG::g()->cb('service_name', false); // Enable Account services feature (change name)
CONFIG::g()->cs('service_name_regex', '`^[[:alnum:]]{3,16}$`'); // allow alphanumeric character in char name (3-16 char.)
CONFIG::g()->cb('service_sex', false); // Enable Account services feature (change gender)
CONFIG::g()->ci('service_sex_time', 7); // Need to wait 7 days after change gender before to change another time
CONFIG::g()->ca('service_sex_item_female', array(8559,8913,8917)); // Check female-use only items before to change gender
CONFIG::g()->ca('service_sex_item_male', array(8923)); // Check male-use only items before to change gender
CONFIG::g()->cb('service_fix', false); // Enable fixing feature for offline character
CONFIG::g()->ci('service_fix_time', 24); // Need to wait 24 hours before to use fix or unstuck against
CONFIG::g()->cb('service_unstuck', false); // Enable unstuck feature for offline character
CONFIG::g()->cb('service_unstuck_static', false); // Use static coords when using unstuck and fix feature
CONFIG::g()->ca('service_unstuck_default', array(0,0,0)); // When coord static enable tp player to the coords (x,y,z)
//######################################### Email ##########################################
CONFIG::g()->ce('email_from', 'support@host.com'); // Specify an adress email source
CONFIG::g()->cb('email_smtp_use', false); // Set to true if you want use an smtp server
CONFIG::g()->cs('email_smtp_address', 'smtp.server.com'); // Address of the smtp server
CONFIG::g()->ci('email_smtp_port', 25); // Port of the smtp server
CONFIG::g()->cs('email_smtp_login', ''); // login of the smtp server if you need authentication
CONFIG::g()->cs('email_smtp_password', ''); // password of the smtp server if you need authentication
CONFIG::g()->cs('email_smtp_domain', ''); // domain of your host
//####################################### End Config #######################################
Thanks gia to help
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