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Want to buy 2kkk adena ( for 20€ ).

Dont want buy for higher price.


SO pm me only if you sell at this price, and if someone can rec you ( i will not send 20€ to a new guy on this forum that noone knows =) )


First option : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=187935.0;topicseen




Second option : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=190169.0


About "Second option" : According to the guys bought from him : fast , trusted.


DOnt show me useless thread with 2.5€/100kk from your friends, when there are at least 3 guys who sold adena at 1.3 / 1.2 / 1  € -> 100kk and it was not scamer ( i bought adena from 2 of these 3 guys )


DOnt show me useless thread with 2.5€/100kk from your friends, when there are at least 3 guys who sold adena at 1.3 / 1.2 / 1  € -> 100kk and it was not scamer ( i bought adena from 2 of these 3 guys )

i dont know blitz.hes is not a 'friend'.he just said that im trusted since 2 guys bought from me.anyway gl with your lol price :) .


i dont know blitz.hes is not a 'friend'.he just said that im trusted since 2 guys bought from me.anyway gl with your lol price :) .


lol price?

Its normal price since guy sell adena now at this price, and continue to sell it :





So why would i pay 2.5€ for 100kk when TRUSTED ( not scammer ) guy ( at least 3 ) sold it between 1 et 1.3 and ( for the 1.3 ) continue to sell it ?

GL with your totaly overhigh price =)

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