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interlude [Interlude] L2Phoenix


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Hello, I'd like to advertise L2Phoenix server. It's a server Dragon-Network like, with stacking subclasses, tattoos etc. I guess some of you already heard about that server in the past..from what I know it's been around the scene for years now.

I've been kind of scepting seeing it up as Interlude, knowing the past of this server but I decided to give it a try. The new staff is doing a great job there, and there isnt any crap goin on so far..it's great.

Active GMs, constant updates, what more I can say. Join and see yourself :)


Server Info:

Hardware: Quad Core Xeon X3210, 8GB DDR2 RAM, 2x250GB HDD RAID-1

Chronicle: Interlude

Rates: Xp 35x Sp 45x Drop 10x Spoil 15x Adena 45x

Stacking Subclass system

Custom potions

Custom Tattoos

GM Shop up to B-Grade

Custom Buff time



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Hello, I'd like to advertise L2Phoenix server. It's a server Dragon-Network like, with stacking subclasses, tattoos etc. I guess some of you already heard about that server in the past..from what I know it's been around the scene for years now.

I've been kind of scepting seeing it up as Interlude, knowing the past of this server but I decided to give it a try. The new staff is doing a great job there, and there isnt any crap goin on so far..it's great.

Active GMs, constant updates, what more I can say. Join and see yourself :)


Server Info:

Hardware: Quad Core Xeon X3210, 8GB DDR2 RAM, 2x250GB HDD RAID-1

Chronicle: Interlude

Rates: Xp 35x Sp 45x Drop 10x Spoil 15x Adena 45x

Stacking Subclass system

Custom potions

Custom Tattoos

GM Shop up to C-Grade

Custom Buff time



i used to play phoenix multy skilll x20

and i say i realy liked him

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It's 1+1, no mutants allowed..and yes its L2OFF. Domain Creation date: 13 Oct 2006 20:06:36 so yes it's pretty old server...now the staff changed a bit and its going better and better every moment

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