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Lineage 2 - Paradox awesome, corruption free PVP server!


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Well i'm just a player, but it's a very awesome server.Imo theres alot of others, but this one takes the pie in my list.


A short intro video, which you should watch :


Full info at : http://l2paradox.com/forum/index.php?topic=12.0

www.l2paradox.com - Join us!


Rates/INFO :


Exp: 3000x

SP: 3000x

Adena: Adena is customly added in our custom zone with a custom (high) drop rate and amount

Safe Enchant: +4

Max Enchant: +16

Enchant rate: 66% (Normal Scrolls) and 75% (blessed scrolls)

Attribute Rate: 50%

Attribute Max: Level 9

Max Buffs/Dance: 26/14


Custom leveling zone from 1 to 76 designed for easy usability.

Gm Shop from D Grade to S-84 Elegia with all new Freya items.

Custom GM Shop design.

Global gatekeeper.

Custom Npc Buffer (Schemes + 1 click buff)

Custom Noblesse Manager (requires 10 Gold Bars)

Custom Epic Bosses respawn time

Custom Events never seen around, coded by our team



Custom Farming/PvP zone (ScreenShot):

The zone is in Hot Springs and it is divided into 4 zones. From the easiest to the hardest they are: Simple Zone, Hard Zone, Extreme Zone, Insane Zone.

Custom Flag zone (ScreenShot):

The difference between this and the other is that here you are permanently flagged and mobs drop higher amount of items.

Visual Armor System:

Use the command ?DressMe to "remember" the current armor/weapon. When you will change armor, your appearence will be the one you had when using ?DressMe

Unlockable PvP Features:

Unlock special features by earning pvp points

Custom ACM to see your char stats from the site.

Skills and classes are CONSTANTLY checked and modified to improve balance.

Mana potions can't be used when in combat stance:

You can still use them while flagged (but not in combat). If "Combat+Flag"= can't use. All other combinations are fine.

Epic Jewels drops will be available only from Epic Bosses.

Economy based on 4 main currencies:

Blue Eva, Gold Enihasad, Bloody Paagrio, Silver Einhasad and 1 special currency Mouse Coin, for clan skills. Mouse Coins are dropped from very strong mobs that should be farmed with a party, indeed.

Events will have a nice Reward to make them worth to play

TvT Event every 2h


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